See also: the Cruisers, the week starts on Saturday 17 August with a feeder passage race from
Plymouth for those joining from places east of Fowey. This is an additional race to previous
years. The passage races then continue with the traditional handicap passage race to
Flushing, and after a nights entertainment at Flushing Sailing Club, the return race to Fowey
the following day. This year cruiser racing will be under IRC and also spinnaker and white
sail divisions for YTC. The cruisers will have two races a day from Tuesday to Thursday and
a final race on Friday.
One of the highlights of the week is the Falmouth Working Boats. Watching them race in
Fowey is always exciting for spectators and they finish their race every day on the club line
inside the harbour in front of the Royal Fowey Yacht Club with its spectacular terrace. Don’t
miss the amazing in-harbour working boat race on Thursday afternoon.
The Troys, Fowey Rivers and dinghy classes race on Tuesday to Friday. Each class is
planned to have two races in the morning each day in the bay. In the afternoon will be
special in-harbour races for each class in turn. There is a junior (under 18) regatta planned
for Friday afternoon.
After racing each day sailors gather at either Royal Fowey Yacht Club or Fowey Gallants
Sailing Club, which both have fabulous views across the harbour, for a relaxing drink, great
food and a good chat about the day’s events before prize-giving.