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Erden Eruç's ocean rowboat, as seen in his tent outside his house in Gig Harbor, WA, in August of 2020, as he prepared to row westbound arcoss the Pacific

The author (left) and Erden Eruç, aboard Dark Star, somewhere off the West Coast of Vancouver Island, in June 2022

Erden Eruç helms Dark Star, a Riptide 44, in some bouncy seas in the Dixon Entrance, south of Ketchikan, Alaska, en route to Seattle, Washington, in June 2022

Dark Star's delivery skipper Erik Kristen (left) and Erden Eruç, somewhere off the West Coast of Vancouver Island, in June 2022

Garth Wilcox's family's boat Vela on the reef. This calamity eventually inspired his future wife's second book

Books by writer and bluewater cruiser Wendy Hinman

Wendy Hinman and her husband, Garth Wilcox in Niue

Garth Wilcox and Wendy Hinman with Vanuatu Kastum dancers