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Palm Beach Motor Yachts
Hollowell Sailing Club is located near Guilsborough village west of Northampton. We are a family orientated club and have great dinghy sailing, windsurfing and facilities at very attractive subscription rates. You will find more about us here. If you wish to contact us, do so here.

The Club caters for sailors of all abilities, and is particularly proud of its junior membership and youth squad.

Hollowell Sailing Club prides itself on the friendly atmosphere of the club and new members are warmly welcomed. Members enjoy a variety of racing & social activities. Club racing is popular with typically 20 plus starters and takes place on Sunday's (all day), Saturday afternoons, & Thursday evenings. A number of different dinghy classes being supported, particularly Solo, Phantom, RS400 & Supernova, as well as most of the Laser classes.
Join the RYA through Hollowell Sailing Club
Hollowell Sailing Club Hollowell Sailing Club
Photo © Stewart Elder
Palm Beach Motor YachtsMaritimo 2023 S-Series FOOTER