Macpherson Cup and Hunter Cup at Henley Sailing Club
by Duncan Mackay 12 May 2013 23:35 PDT

Henley Sailing Club Macpherson Cup © Nigel Bonsor
Lasses leading the lads
The first two major sailing trophies of the spring at Henley Sailing Club have been won by Tilehurst schoolgirl Emma Cadwallader and young mother of three boys, Amelia Huby-Green from High Wycombe.
New Commodore Peta Bowyer said, "The Macpherson Cup won by Emma Cadwallader was for a series of races, albeit much reduced by flood conditions, held over four Sundays and based on personal handicaps. Amelia won the one-day Hunter Cup raced over three circuits of the course at Wargrave and also scored on personal handicaps. Both cups are named after former flag officers of Henley Sailing Club, founded in 1896, one of the oldest recreational sailing clubs in the world."
"The club's river racing is always highly competitive here on the Thames and these two cups always attract great interest from members far and wide at the start of the new sailing season. I'm very pleased that two of our leading ladies have played a key role in beating the lads on the water", continued Peta.
The annual Henley Sailing Club Open Day is being held on the Thames at Wargrave on Saturday 1 June from 2pm to 5.30pm and everyone is welcome to come and have a go at sailing on the waters of this beautiful part of the Thames Valley. More details can be found on the club's website at
The Commodore added, "We hope that more people will take the opportunity to visit the club and discover our enjoyable riverside facilities, enjoy a sail with one of our experienced helms or, for those who just prefer to watch, there will be cream teas on the lawns and our fully licenced bar will be open too."