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Early bird discount for the Tasar Australian Championship

by Tracey Johnstone 1 Aug 2015 10:15 PDT 26 September - 3 October 2015
The Tasar class Australian Championship return to Queensland in 2015 © John de Rooy

As the early entry discount end date of August 1 fast approaches, Townsville Sailing Club are sending out invitations to all Australian and international Tasar fleets to register for this year's SeaLink 43rd Tasar Australian Championship being held from September 26 through to October 3.

With the Tasar World Championships to be held in Japan in 2017, the organising committee chair, Alex Kostin, expects there may some interest from Japan as well as possibly from some American teams. As the entry number is likely to tip over the 90 mark, the Townsville national championship will be a perfect big fleet practice event for the internationals.

Entries to date have been received from all Australian states and territories for the strict one-design, two-man boat.

Kostin has been working with the southern sailors, trying to convince them to travel north to enjoy the national competition under a brilliantly warm September sun.

The Tasmanians have heard Kostin's message. For the first time there will be a team from that state making this the first Tasar national championship to have every state and territory represented.

A handful of class world champions will be on the water this year including 1986 champion Rick Longbottom and crew Darryl Bentley, 2005 and 2009 champions Rob Douglass and his daughter Nicole, and 2011 champion Bronwyn Ridgeway and her daughter Megan.

Kostin believes that somebody that could "shake the tree big time" is Aaron Linton. Another one to watch will be five-time national champion Craig McPhee. "He'll be up there and belting at the door, too," Kostin added.

TSC is well schooled in running large dinghy events having hosted over the years various class state and national titles. Leading their on-water team will be International Race Officer Ross Chisholm.

The club has a fleet of about 15 Tasars that race regularly in local and regional events. Its race course on Cleveland Bay will provide a superb arena for the competition with bright blue water and in the background gently swaying palm trees under which visitors and locals can sit to watch the race action.

Reaching the 90 plus entry number is not impossible. The last time the national title was held in Queensland, at Airlie Beach in 2010, there was a fleet of 93. "We are getting ready for 40 foot containers full of boats coming from everywhere."

Ten races are scheduled over the eight days of the event which include registration, measurement, crew weigh-in, a practice race and a Lay Day mid-way through the week.

The fleet will be racing for the open championship title along with Masters, Grand Masters, Super Grand Masters, First Lady Helm and First Junior Helm titles.

More information on the SeaLink 43rd Tasar Australian Championship here.

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