My 'adventure' touring yacht clubs in Dallas, Texas
by Nic Douglass 25 Mar 2016 11:57 PDT
25 March 2016

The Sailor Girl visits Rush Creek Yacht Club ©
I flew into Dallas, Texas on Monday on my way to the Caribbean for two VX One regattas.
Now I don't know about you, but having never been to Texas before, I don't usually immediately associate "Texas" and sailing. My goodness was I way off the mark!
It was fantastic to be shown around by Alex Padgett, the coach at Rush Creek Yacht Club (thanks Sammy Hodges for the intro), to drop in on one of my fellow adventurers "PinkZink" or Katy Hannan at her high school, and finally to chat about the day at Vela Sailing Supply with the amazingly enthusiastic Rrrrrod (that's a rolling "r") Favela, a great promoter of sailing in Texas!
Hope you enjoy the chat, and for more, including updates from the Caribbean including the St Thomas International Regatta, the BVI Spring Regatta and Voile Des St Barths, stay tuned to this site, head to for my blogs, or find me on all social media channels via @sailorgirl218.