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Palm Beach Motor Yachts

Dragonflite 95 National Championship Lincoln Model Yacht Club

by Tim Lanigan 7 Nov 2016 07:41 PST 5-6 November 2016

Friday Practice

The fleet gathered on Friday afternoon at Scotland Farm for a final shakedown and the customary chat about your journey, the upcoming weekend and an in depth analysis about the one thing we can't control... 'the wind' Turns out we shouldn't have bothered as Fridays gentle zephyrs were nothing like the solid wall of wind we faced on Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday Racing

34 boats made it to the start line on Saturday morning which made for 2 decent sized fleets, with 6 up, 6 down giving everyone a chance to get plenty of racing done over the course of the weekend and taste life at the top and the bottom. Principal Race Officer Darin Ballington set the tone for the racing, clearly explaining the format and reminding us to enjoy ourselves and respect each other on the water and on the bank. An ethos which held throughout the 2 days.

The seeding races kicked off at 10am, the majority of the fleet were in B rigs and revealing in the fast open water conditions. The wind built steadily throughout the day and it soon became obvious there is big overlap between the DF95 rigs. B & C rigs were racing neck a neck at times, with the C rigs gaining in the bullets and the B rigs sliding away in the lulls. By the end of the day the entire fleet had made the change down to C rigs with the wind gusting 25kts+ and considering these wild conditions the boats survived remarkably well, no major damage to report, no blown winches and just one rudder servo that gave up the waggle on Tim Longs boat.

In terms of the racing it was tight at the top, with the 3 senior amigo's Derek Priestley, John Tushingham and Ken Binks leading the way. For us middle packers it was hard work sailing consistently enough to stick in A fleet with everyone dropping down at some point and counting some big scores.

Sunday Racing

The day dawned cold, with frost on the windows and more of that bitter wind from the North. The racing continued from 10am with Darin driving the fleets hard from the outset to push through as many races as possible. Conditions were at little grimmer today, driving rain & strong winds saw a few taking an early bath and I can't say I blame them.

Again there was much chopping and changing of rigs, we started the day in C rigs and slowly worked our way up to the A's. There was a big shift in the breeze late in the afternoon which necessitated a course change and the shifty fading breeze that followed really separated the men from the boys in the last 4 races. Many of us suffering a couple of brain bubbles before the racing finished at 3:45 with a return of the sun helping to dry out our weary bones and gear before the journey home.

Results & Prize Giving

Throughout the weekend the one design nature of the DF95 really shone through. The key to doing well was knowing when to change rigs, setting up and tuning the rig you chose (often with seconds to spare!), tactics on the course, spotting the wind shifts and keeping yourself out of trouble. All these skills need to be perfected to win and every place on the score board was hard fought and well earned its just that John Tushingham, Derek Priestley and Ken Binks are a little bit better than the rest of us. For now at least they are the top 3 but there is a big fleet building behind them ready to take away their crown. See you next year boys, we're coming for you!

Special Mentions & Thank-yous

Thanks to Darin for being the race officer and giving up other sailing commitments to run our event on the bank. Thanks to to all the observers, line judges and Fiona for the scoring. And to our most travelled competitors, the Dutch crew of Tjakko Keizer & Tuen Peit Vanes... Thanks for coming chaps, see you again soon.

And in no particular order thanks to the following people for putting on the event, sorting the lake out, running the kitchen and ensuring we all had a cracking weekend. Liz Bacon, Roger Bacon, Jen Hand, Mick Cooper, Jan Cooper, Beth Stevenson, PJ Ballington, Emily Ballington, Alan Newman, Sue Brown, Jo Preistley, Peter Cogill, Francis Tomlinson, Norman Fish, Bert Whitehead, Chris Corrin, Alan Edgar and Graham Keighthley.

Overall Results:

PositionSkipperSail NoR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10R11R12R13R14R15Pts
1JOHN TUSHINGHAM51195213533124121228
2DEREK PRIESTLEY672214152144328154139
3KEN BINKS834412125213439318849
4TJACKKO KEIZER18026310441692181469367
5BUZZ COLEMAN1243911183465105483670
6ALEX CORY 3431010931721069312201083
7NIGEL BROWN1558224141310131613776125103
8TIM LANIGAN42038621781289511718613103
9MARK DICKS331112148131776136131057104
10JOHN BRIERLEY8418712512129152311142784118
11ADRIAN TOMLINSON30911271014812202319151179134
12TUEN PIET VANES757141313151110118121010131114143
13LIZ TUSHINGHAM719158152117517181621551011151
14MICK CHAMBERLAIN4618137811618217171212141812155
15TIM LONG99116111622262113161511741218161
16MICHAEL PARTINGTON825172421172114201291318161617195
17CHRIS MORE1027192127192123511182216211315208
18GRAHAM ALLEN312351717259151017202323172219221
19GARRY BOX261321303915111919222721232721224
20GORDON BENNETT38103523121618252935301824211420260
21PHILIP READ35520252526226182481735353535266
22SHAUN PREISTLEY 21255667193535353535353535270
23IVAN STEVENSON1561215242424352521242527242422270
24WAYNE STOBBS4218353535353535141414201191516271
25SUE PARTINGTON8682621231416222325262622222525272
26IAN MACDONALD2361822222135242815211519353535281
27ERIC REID 20132316283523212727191620352128282
28TRACY BALLINGTON 4102429262325272626282425192323301
29JOHN HOWARD29142931313527352228273028252624342
30SKIP REASER39153527182835262422252829353535347
31ALAN TICKLE171153035292935353029292926261926352
32KEN COOPER183182535303035353130313130353535396
33JIM LA ROCHE41142826352728283535353535353535396
34ADRIAN BUSWELL5112728353535353535353535353535416

Full report at

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