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Palm Beach Motor Yachts

E-nnovationLAB at METSTRADE 2018 to expand following great start in 2017

by Annemarie Burgmans 22 Jun 2018 07:32 PDT 13-15 November 2018
METSTRADE Show 2018 © Annemarie Burgmans

The growing demand for hybrid and electric engines is becoming ever-more apparent within the leisure marine market. METSTRADE responded to this emerging trend last year by introducing the E-nnovationLAB platform for electric propulsion technology. This year's E-nnovationLAB will occupy an even more prominent position in Hall 7, where it will host Danfoss Mobile Electrification and Transfluid, amongst others.

Electrification is changing the boating world. It is clear from the growing popularity of purely electric boats and visible in the increasing number of hybrid variants, including serial hybrids (in which a generator supplements batteries and renewable energy sources) and parallel hybrids (in which an electric propulsion system operates in conjunction with a traditional propulsion engine). The impressive power of contemporary technology and electrical systems coupled with the sophistication of modern control systems is transforming onboard lifestyles at the same time as it reduces engine run times and emissions.

METSTRADE's E-nnovationLAB will celebrate the world of marine electrification by showcasing electric and hybrid solutions, and bring together specialists to explore technical challenges and celebrate successful projects. A series of presentations by experts will define the costs and benefits of various electric and hybrid options, report on critical advances in the core areas of energy storage and hull design, and describe ongoing implementations in applications ranging from superyachts to canal boats. Vital information will be provided for naval architects, system designers, boat builders and other marine professionals.

Expertise panel

METSTRADE has a team in place to help secure the quality of the E-nnovationLAB. The members of the expertise panel are Andrea Frabetti (CEO of the Diesel Center - Italy), Ken Wittamore (Managing Director of Triskel Marine - UK), Nigel Calder (Technical Journalist - USA) and Christoph Ballin (CEO of Torqeedo - Germany). Leo Stam, owner of Hysdrosta (The Netherlands) and member of the METSTRADE exhibition committee, shares his knowledge to the expertise panel. Together with the organisers they will ensure that the E-nnovationLAB at METSTRADE 2018 offers new perspectives and inspiration on the building wave of electrification in the boating world.

You can find more information about the speakers programme on the website as of September 2018.

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