Team Italia reveals secrets of the new multitouch console on board 69m Benetti Spectre
by Team Italia 19 Mar 2019 22:09 PDT

Team Italia new 69m Benetti Spectre © Charl Jordaan
Team Italia, World leader in the marine electronics market for mega and maxi yachts, is proud to have installed an I-Bridge® console that uses fully integrated multitouch technology aboard the new full-custom 69-metre Spectre by Benetti. In addition to the concepts of electronics, ergonomics and style, there are also innovative applications of mechatronics (the innovative discipline that integrates mechanics, electronics and IT to automate the systems), which have been engineered and constructed by the company to suit the yacht.
The full-custom I-Bridge® system for the 69m Spectre was created using multitouch technology for the control and management of the wheelhouse, which relies on three fully redundant 32" touch panels with 4k technology.
These devices allow to control and manage, in addition the steering and joystick pilot functions, all the other systems on the yacht, such as the Fire System, Watertight Doors, Fire Doors and Intrusion Detector. The control of the navigation systems, such as radar, full ECDIS, CCTV, searchlight and thermal cameras, is instead managed via 3 multi-controls equipped with joggers, trackball and OLED systems.
The I-Bridge® console on the Spectre has a 46" touch chart table that, in addition to working as an IMO-approved planner, also manages the I-PLAN and I-NAV applications, the Anchor Watching System, the document and Systems Supervisor applications, as well as the infotainment section.
The full control and management of all navigation data is achieved through ultra-stretch monitors, which means this data is always available to the captain in every navigation phase. Two integrated wings allow to control the yacht from the external stations as well.
Finally, TEAM Italia can provide regular system maintenance using remote diagnostics to access the installed systems through specific authentication and authorisation procedures.