Flying Scot North American Championship 2019 at Pensacola Yacht Club - Day 2
by Talbot Wilson 16 Jul 2019 20:16 PDT
14-18 July 2019

Tyler and Carrie Andrews (6130) from Deer Park, MD stand first in the championship Division after two races in the Flying Scot North American Championship Qualifying Series at Pensacola Yacht Club with a score of 2-2-1=3 © Talbot Wilson
Tyler and Carrie Andrews from Deer Park MD took the early lead today after the only two scheduled races on the day for the Flying Scot North American Championship. The boat with the black spinnaker (6130) was 2-1 on the day for 3 points. Their bullet came in race 2 after they dug to the west on their final downwind leg where they picked up a good shift on the incoming sea breeze and got more pressure, too.
Three boats follow in a tie with 7 points...Zeke Horowitz and Jay Horowitzin 6196 (3-4=7) which was the top qualifier for the Championship Division, Fred Soward and Oliver Byingto in 5298 (5-2=7), and Tom McNally and Melanie McNally in 5810 (4-3).
Tom Miller and Melissa Miller in 5346 took first place in the first race. With a score of 1-9=10 they stand in fifth place.
The leaders in the Challenger Division are in in first, were Steve and Rene Comen (1-2=3), in second place were Bill Vogler and Mark Schillabeekz (6-1=7). Tied for second place are Melissa and Eric Hemker (3-4=7)
Full results are posted on Regatta Network and at PYC Results and at FSSA
Tuesday was another excellent race day in Pensacola. The breeze at the start of the first race was about 9kts at 195º. Mark Set skipper Jim Oyler reported little change in the wind direction with the wind shifting westerly in the puffs and going back to the original direction in the lulls.
Near the end of the first race for both the Championship and Challenger Divisions the wind dropped to about 6 knts but came back to 8 or 9 with the sea breeze.
The west side of the course paid dividends as boats picked up a shift off the land near the starboard lay line and also found more pressure on that side. Downwind the pressure on the west paid off as well. There was still some current flowing southward in the deepest part of the bay and staying out of that meant going west.
Racing resumes Wednesday with two races scheduled again starting at 1200.
The Flying Scot North American Championship Regatta at Pensacola Yacht Club is supported by the international bank BBVA, by the PYC Satori Foundation, Inc. - a 501(c)3 corporation, and Bud Light and the volunteers from the club.