Garage finds: Have you found some hidden gems during a lock-down spring-clean?
by The and team 5 Apr 2020 08:00 PDT

Garage finds ©
With many of us staying at home during the lock-down, perhaps working less - finding there is a little more time to be used - it seems thoughts are turning to spring cleaning.
It's not just the kitchen and lounge that are getting attention; across the land, garden sheds, garages and lofts are finally getting that tidy-up people have been mulling over for the past year... two years... even a decade in some cases!
What are sailors finding at the back of their junk piles? Did you stash an all-in-one spray suit with a beer towel sewn in the bottom, thinking you might need it again... and then forget it for 20 years? We'd love to see your selfies taken in retro sailing gear; you can either email them to or tweet them to our account @yandyfeed with the hashtag #RetroSailing added.
Or perhaps you will unearth a dusty box of ancient treasure such as tufnol blocks or horn cleats. Let's see what you've uncovered! Again, email them to
or tweet them to our account @yandyfeed with the hashtag #SailingSpringClean added.
But don't bin this 'trash' just yet, or the howls of dismay from vintage and classic boat owners will be heard throughout the land!
What would really top it all is a sailing gadget that didn't take off - have you got any design dodos lurking in the junk pile? An elaborate gizmo that promised to revolutionise the world in 1994 but curiously never saw the winners podium?
Enjoy spring cleaning, and sharing the funny side of it with us - but remember, all fashion trends come round again...