Meet the Jeanneau Leader 10.5 Series 2
by Jeanneau America 9 Dec 2020 08:13 PST

Jeanneau Leader 10.5 Series 2 © Jeanneau America
Totally revised and inspired by the 12.5, the NEW Leader 10.5 Series 2 features an all-new running surface and the entire hull is now vacuum-bag resin-infused bringing more strength and more rigidity to this sport boat.
Climb on board for a ride!
Foredeck lounge seating
The forward cockpit now has three integrated chaise lounges that are safe and comfortable for seating under way or at anchor.
Standard drop down terrace
The standard opening terrace on port is equipped with an optional ladder and lifelines; it will prove to be the perfect spot to jump off the boat from.
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