30th anniversary of sailing club in Cuba
by Daria Blackwell 5 Jul 2021 10:28 PDT

Hemingway International Nautical Club of Cuba logo © HINC
Hemingway International Nautical Club of Cuba will be celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2022 and we are all invited.
I am pleased to greet you very kindly on behalf of the Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba and on my own behalf, as well as to wish that you, your family and members of the Ocean Cruising Club are enjoying excellent health.
We are very pleased to express to you that we are very honoured and proud by the friendly relationships that join us to you and the Ocean Cruising Club.
I would like to express to you that in the 29 years of existence of the Hemingway International Nautical Club of Cuba, to which it arrived on May 21, the main strength we have is the support and recognition of the international nautical community, which have been and are of vital importance and essential for the existence of this Cuban nautical institution.
Although we have achieved the recognition of some institutions of the Cuban maritime sector, still, as a result of the lack of understanding and support from people and government institutions, we do not have the necessary support and to add that the country does not have a policy defined on recreational boating.
Despite the situation described above, we remain committed to contributing to the development of recreational boating and to the rescue of the history and culture of the sea, almost lost in our country.
As we enter the 30th year of our Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba, it becomes more necessary than ever to receive your support and recognition, which becomes the most appreciated defence we have in order to survive in these difficult times our Yacht Club is going through.
The best expression of the international support that our Yacht Club has are the friendly relations with more than 700 associations and yacht clubs of the international nautical community, whose members have sent us dozens of certificates, diplomas, documents of recognitions, objects, plates, as well as hundreds of burgees that adorn the living room of our Club House, which constitute relics that symbolize the love of the sea and friendship between human beings. For this reason, today our Yacht Club is recognized as a Sanctuary of love for the sea and friendship between lovers of the sea and a Bastion in defense and rescue of nautical history and Cuban maritime and nautical traditions. It is our desire to continue enriching the exhibition of these presents, so that visitors can appreciate the growing support we are receiving from the international nautical community.
Let me reiterate that our Yacht Club is going through a delicate situation and it is for this reason that we ask you to ask your friends and acquaintances from the nautical world to support us with messages of encouragement, recognition and friendship, for if the Hemingway International Nautical Club of Cuba were to disappear, it would leave a legacy to the people who appreciated it.
I take this opportunity to reiterate my warmest greetings and at the same time invite you to join us at the reception that we will provide on May 21, 2022, when our Yacht Club will reach its 30th Anniversary.
Commodore Escrich
Facebook: Cnih de Cuba
This article has been provided by the courtesy of Ocean Cruising Club.