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Palm Beach Motor Yachts

RBAW Member Communication - Call to action, save Seattle Harbor Patrol

by Recreational Boating Association of Washington 18 Aug 2021 03:34 PDT
Action alert to save the Seattle Harbor Patrol © RBAW

RBAW, NMTA the North Seattle Industrial Association and others in a coalition of businesses, governmental agencies and non-profits are united in expressing our growing alarm over the sharply-reduced number of personnel for the Seattle Harbor Patrol.

We are urging Mayor Durkan and the Seattle City Council to remedy this safety-threatening situation, both this summer and for the long-term.

We are asking all boaters to join this call for change to SAVE THE SEATTLE HARBOR PATROL. Access the VoterVoice platform and make your voice heard.

Read the coalitions letter to Mayor Durkan and Seattle leaders.

Thank you,

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