707 'Bruce T' Naming Ceremony at Scarborough Yacht Club as Bruce Temple's life is remembered
by Chris Clark 31 Oct 2021 21:56 PDT
30 October 2021
Bruce Temple, who died earlier this year, was a pillar of the Scarborough Sailing Community. In his memory, the Club has acquired a racing Hunter 707 'Bruce T' to teach new Leeds University sailing students, and was named in a remembrance ceremony on Saturday 30th October 2021.
Prior to a ceremony that brought tears to the eyes of the many, many people who knew Bruce over decades, the club was filled this evening with those friends and family that knew him best. Stories of his presence, irrepressible good nature, and his always looking out for others were retold, along with many shared adventures, lubricated by beer and laughter.
Around 8pm, members trooped out for the naming of the gleaming yacht.
Short speeches were made, and then, the last of Bruce's words that people will ever hear were movingly read out by Sam Kennedy. These will be featured on a following post. Bruce's wife Karen Temple broke open the champagne, reached over the vessel's side to pour the contents over the deck, and the Bruce T was duly named.
Bruce T will be a Leeds University Sailing training yacht continuing the very successful tie up between the University and Scarborough Yacht Club and Miss Moneypenny.
It is already being said that as the name gets round and more and more new people hear about Bruce Temple's life, students will race to get places on the yacht in future competitions, so when they get home they can say "I got to sail on the Bruce T".
So whilst tonight's gathering was a mix of sadness and joy, Bruce's contribution to the Club will be made tangible and be remembered in the many racing competitions to come, and new sailors will come to remember how Bruce's story inspired them in future.
Good sailing Bruce. Your legend lives on.