Introducing the new 2025 mhp Cat C32B engine from Caterpillar Marine
by Caterpillar Marine 19 Dec 2021 07:13 PST

Your 2025 mhp engine is ready to order © Caterpillar Marine
Be one of the first to put the new Cat® C32B 2025 mhp marine engine in your boat, and you'll earn the right to boast a little (or a lot).
After all, choosing the new C32B means you've hooked the latest engine on the market, all new from the block up and perfectly designed for sport fishing. Here are four ways it'll make you the envy of everyone else on the water.
1. You'll leave the others in your wake
More horsepower equals more speed, and this 2025 mhp marine engine gets you to (and from) your favorite fishing spot faster. Plus, with an "E" tier rating, the Cat C32B gives you the power to run at wide-open throttle — the full 2025 mhp — as much as 8% of the time. That's at least 3% longer than the closest competitor.
And you don't have to worry about added weight slowing you down, either. The new C32B delivers a 5% power increase over the previous model with just a 2% weight increase. It's more muscle in the same package, making it a great choice for repowers as well as new builds.
2. You'll enjoy the luxury of a quiet conversation
We wouldn't blame you for wanting to shout the advantages of this new 2025 mhp marine engine from the bridge — but the good news is, you won't have to. The C32B is so much quieter than its predecessor that you can hold a conversation on deck at normal volume even when your boat is running at full throttle.
How much quieter, exactly? 25% under low-speed conditions. That's thanks to the C32B's advanced unit injection fuel system. Like common rail fuel systems used on other high-horsepower engines, it fires multiple injections of fuel per power stroke — reducing noise.
This fuel system brings other benefits, too, like redundancy. A failed high-pressure fuel pump renders a common rail system inoperable. With unit injection, however, you can still bring your boat home if an injector fails. This tried-and-true technology — part of our C32 engine platform since 2006 — is also simple to service.
3. You can rest easy while the rest worry
Ask other fishing boat owners and they'll tell you: The Cat marine engine warranty can't be matched. The new C32B comes with unlimited-hour protection for the first two years, and you can add Extended Service Coverage (ESC) for the next three. When the first five years are up, just have your Cat dealer inspect the engine, then add another five years of ESC. That's a total of 10 years of coverage — and peace of mind every time you go out on the water.
Want even more reassurance? Consider this: The American-made C32B is the next generation of the proven, reliable C32 platform — a more powerful version of a product you already know and love. We've put the C32B through more than 30,000 hours of testing to ensure its reliability.
And of course, this new 2025 mhp marine engine is backed by the support of the Cat dealer network around the globe. You're never far from the parts, service and support you need, no matter where you are on the water.
4. You'll fish while they futz with filters and fluids
If you're not thinking about filters and fluids when you make your engine decision, maybe you should. As engines get more powerful, system cleanliness gets more important. The C32B's Ultra High Efficiency Plus Filters — white to match your engine — keep out more contamination so engine components last longer.
And, if you keep using the right Cat filters and fluids and work with your local Cat dealer to take regular S.O.SSM fluid samples, there's a good chance you can extend your oil change interval on the C32B out to 500 hours. That's less time spent on maintenance and more time spent fishing.
Don't let the bragging rights go to someone else. Get ahold of your Cat dealer today to get your order in for the new 2025 mhp Cat C32B marine engine. And be sure to ask what else is coming soon to our sport fishing engine lineup — you won't want to miss it.
Six reasons to repower with the C32B
More power and more speed, delivered in the same size package and based on a proven design — that's what you get with the new Cat® C32B. All new from the block up, built on the reliable C32 platform and tested for more than 30,000 hours, this American-made 2025 mhp marine engine isn't just perfect for new sport fishing boats. It's the ideal repower solution, whether you're running an existing C32 at 1825 mhp or 1925 mhp or another engine brand entirely. Here's why:
1. Run longer at higher horsepower
If you want to get to and from your favorite fishing spot faster, repowering with the Cat C32B is a smart move. With an "E" tier rating, it gives you the power to run at wide-open throttle — the full 2025 mhp — as much as 8% of the time. That's at least 3% longer than the closest competitor.
2. Drop it in and go
Upgrading from an 1825 mhp or 1925 mhp C32 to the 2025 mhp C32B is simple. The new model is a drop-in replacement, fitting into the same space in your engine room. And don't worry about added weight slowing you down. The new C32B delivers a 5% power increase over the previous model with just a 2% weight increase. It's more muscle without more bulk, making it a great choice for repowers.
3. Enjoy the quiet
A day fishing shouldn't feel like a night at a rock concert. With the new C32B, you can hold a conversation on deck at normal volume even when you're running at full throttle. Our new 2025 mhp engine is 25% quieter under low-speed conditions thanks to its advanced unit injection fuel system. Similar to common rail fuel systems, this system fires multiple injections of fuel per power stroke to reduce noise. This tried-and-true technology is incredibly reliable and easy to service, too.
4. Restart your warranty coverage
If your older engine is out or running out of warranty coverage, a C32B repower gives you the peace of mind you deserve for up to 10 more years. Like all Cat marine engines, our new 2025 mhp model comes with industry's best coverage: unlimited-hour protection for the first two years, with the option to add Platinum Extended Service Coverage (ESC) for the next three. When the first five years are up, have your Cat dealer inspect the engine and add another five years of ESC.
5. Add other upgrades
The time your boat's off the water for a C32B repower is the perfect time to make other updates. Consider upgrading to the newest Cat color displays as well as to Cat controls — your dealer can order the engine and controls together and send the package to the shipyard to make the process faster and more convenient. You also can bundle extended protection for your engine and controls with Platinum Plus ESC.
6. Spend more time fishing
After your C32B repower, make sure you keep using the proper Cat filters (white to match your engine) and fluids and work with your dealer to take regular S.O.SSM fluid samples. Why? Doing so likely will let you extend your oil change interval out to 500 hours. That means less time spent on maintenance and more time spent on the water.
Now's the time to schedule your C32B repower, so get ahold of your Cat dealer today to place your order for this new 2025 mhp marine engine. Make sure to ask what else is coming soon to our sport fishing engine lineup — you won't want to miss it.
Why Jarrett Bay's Co-Founder is excited about the C32B
Randy Ramsey co-founded Jarrett Bay Boatworks, one of the world's premier builders of custom sportfishing boats, in 1986. When customers approach him about building a new boat, one of the first questions they always ask is, "What engine should I buy and why?"
Watch the video to see why Randy recommends Cat marine engines — and find out why he's excited about the launch of new 2025 mhp Cat®? C32B for new sportfishing boat builds and repowers.
Cat® marine fuel filters stop sooting aboard rascal
Captain Nick Millsap has been around sport fishing boats, many of them with Cat® power, most of his life. He grew up fishing in Orange Beach, Alabama, started working on charters as a teenager, then spent a decade as a mate on private boats. In 2015, the owner of the Rascal, a 60 Hatteras GT, asked Millsap to come aboard as captain. Two years later, the owner upgraded to a 63 Hatteras GT with Cat C32 engines — and Millsap immediately spotted a problem.
"As soon as we took delivery of the boat, I started noticing that the transom was really sooty," he says. "You could see it sooting when we cranked the engines up."
Millsap called Jamie MacDonald, the marine account manager at Cat dealer Gregory Poole, to investigate.
"A dirty transom usually means something isn't running right with the engine," MacDonald says. "When you see a sooty transom that means unburned fuel, which means you're wasting fuel out the tailpipe."
MacDonald sent a service technician onto the Rascal to adjust the fuel injectors, hoping that would solve the issue. Millsap ran the boat to Marathon, Florida, then to the Bahamas — still sooty. He replaced the fuel filters — still sooty.
Right place, right time, right filters
As luck would have it, Caterpillar's filtration expert, Tim Styfhoorn, introduced himself to MacDonald at a Cat event around the same time. When he heard about the sooting problem aboard the Rascal, Styfhoorn had a hunch the new fully synthetic fuel filters just introduced for Cat machines might be the solution — so he pushed the internal Caterpillar development team to fasttrack the marine version.
"The next thing I know, we're at the Fort Lauderdale boat show, and there's a guy from Cat standing on the back of our boat with a case of fuel filters saying, 'Try these,'" Millsap says. "We put them on and it cleared up the problem immediately. It also fixed a little priming issue we were having, too."
That case contained Ultra High Efficiency Plus (UHE+) Secondary Fuel Filters, which Caterpillar designed specifically to provide higher levels of filtration efficiency and capacity inside today's high-performance engines. They come standard on the new C32B 2025 mhp engine launched in August 2020 and are available as an upgrade on previous C32 engine models.
"As we keep pushing to get more horsepower out of the same size engine packages, tolerances keep getting tighter," Styfhoorn says. "That means systems need to maintain even higher cleanliness levels than before. UHE+ filters are more efficient at removing smaller particles of contamination, which means components last longer."
For Millsap, the UHE+ filters deliver more than just a clean transom. They also give him more confidence that the Rascal's C32 engines will perform as expected no matter where the boat travels.
"Fuel in the islands isn't always the cleanest fuel. It gets shipped to a terminal, loaded on a barge, and you're taking on 1,800 gallons that may have come from the bottom of the barrel," he says. "These fuel filters help keep us going."
Longer intervals = more time on the water
There's another benefit to using the Cat UHE+ filters as well — one Millsap is looking forward to taking advantage of when the newest Rascal, a 65 Hatteras GT also powered by Cat C32 engines, is delivered in the fall of 2020.
Because he's diligent about always using Cat filters and fluids, and works with Gregory Poole to take and analyze fluid samples through the S.O.SSM Services program, Millsap should be able to extend his oil change intervals from 250 hours to 400 or even 500 hours on the new Rascal.
That will save time, money and hassle — no more rushing to squeeze in an oil change before a big fishing tournament. And a trip to and from the Bahamas, for example, will no longer require an oil change along the way.
"We won't have to carry the supplies with us. We won't have to figure out where to dispose of the used oil. We won't have to shut the boat down," Millsap says. "We'll be able to go longer — and that means more time fishing."
Fishing with confidence
More time fishing is what Millsap has come to expect from Cat marine power over the years.
"Cat engines and Cat support are incredible," he says. "In the five years I've been captain, we've never had to shut the boat down or cancel a trip due a Cat engine problem. That's averaging about 1,000 hours a year."
That means he doesn't have to turn to Jamie MacDonald at Gregory Poole for support very often — but when he does, Millsap knows he'll get an answer fast.
"Anytime I need Jamie, first time the phone rings he picks it up and puts me in the right direction quickly," Millsap says. "I don't see why we'd ever go with anybody else."