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Maritimo 2023 M600 LEADERBOARD

The Wembley Wassail Cup 2022

by John Green 7 Jan 2022 21:47 PST 2 January 2022

Whilst much of London was regretting over indulgence during the Christmas and the New Year celebrations, the keen sailors from Wembley Sailing Club were getting the 2022 season under way with the annual Wembley Wassail Pursuit Race on Sunday 2nd January.

A strong contingent of GP14 entrants from our neighbours at the Welsh Harp Sailing Club joined the Merlin Rockets, MRX's and Laser Standards/ILCA7's from Wembley for a pursuit race on the Welsh Harp. The fleet of twenty boats was split into roughly three groups according to the 2021 PY.

With a W-SW breeze of 12 - 15 knots, RO John Shepherd gave the racers a long first beat down the Harp to the windward mark, a short reach across the lake followed by an exhilarating downwind leg.

The GP14 fleet were the first starters, second to go were the Lasers with the Merlins and MRX's starting 13 minutes behind the GP14's.

Several teams were caught out by sudden 25 knot gusts which caught the unwary at the leeward mark. Duncan Salmon and Ruth Hanstater in their Merlin 3702 together with Colin Brockbank and Suzy Brough in Merlin 3790 quickly gave chase and cut through the fleet.

Body language showed just how intense the racing became as the end of the 90 minute race drew near, intense concentration in the chasing boats but none more so than in the lead boat of Mark Wolf and Charlotte Cotter from WHSC in their GP14 who had led the race from the start. However snapping at their heels right up to the finish was Paul Beard in his Laser 174486. Mark and Charlotte kept their cool and held him off to take line honours and win the coveted Wassail Cup for the second year running.

In view of the rapidly rising Covid cases in London, the famed warming Wassail punch was served outdoors followed by the presentation of the Wassail Cup to the worthy winners Mark Wolf and Charlotte Cotter from the Welsh Harp Sailing Club in their GP14.

Overall Results:

PosHelmCrewClubClassSail No
1Mark Wolf Carlotte CotterWelsh Harp SCGP1414113
2Paul Beard Wembley SCLaser Standard172286
3Duncan SalmonRuth HanstaterWembley SCMerlin Rocket3702
4Colin BrockbankSuzy Brough Wembley SCMerlin Rocket3790
5John Curren Wembley SCLaser Standard215933
6Steve CooperQuentin DrainWelsh Harp SCGP1414151
7Roger Wilson Welsh Harp SCLaser Standard166571
8William MacDonald Wembley SCLaser Standard143513
9Kieth StreetHannah LiptrotWelsh Harp SCGP1413787
10Jamie IslesMichal SzadyWelsh Harp SCGP1413299

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