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Mercury Racing to sponsor Formula One Powerboat racing series

by Mercury Racing 26 Apr 2022 03:34 PDT

Mercury Racing has entered a two-year sponsorship program with the Formula One Powerboat Championship series. The agreement is for the 2022 and 2023 racing seasons and names Mercury Racing the Official Maine Engine and Drive Sponsor.

For the next two seasons a Mercury Racing 360 APX outboard will power the Formula One Race Ride Experience, a two-seat tunnel boat available for high-speed media and VIP demonstration laps at each race venue.

"Mercury Racing is excited to be partnering with the Formula One Powerboat Championship Series," said Mercury Racing General Manager Stuart Halley. "Our support of the premier in-shore circuit-racing series in North America reflects a renewed focus on outboard circuit racing powered by the Mercury Racing Apex Series competition outboard motors. Mercury Racing also appreciates that Formula One and the powerboat racing community is embracing a shift to more-sustainable and modern engines."

The five event 2022 Formula One Powerboat Championship Series begins April 29-May 1 on the Neches River at the Port Neches Riverfest on the Texas Gulf Coast. The season continues with events in Pittsburgh, Pa. (July 28-31), OPC Nationals at Springfield, Ohio (Aug. 26-28), Highlands, Texas (Sept. 30-Oct. 2) and the Havasu Classic Championships at Lake Havasu, Ariz. (Oct. 14-16). Mercury Racing will have a presence throughout each race weekend.

"Mercury Racing outboards have powered the top classes on the Formula One series, and we welcome its rededication to outboard competition with both this sponsorship and the development of the Apex Series, a new generation of competition outboard power," said Tim Seebold, Managing Director of the Formula One Powerboat Championship.

Each event will feature multiple boat classes, including the top Formula One tunnel boat class. The new Mercury Racing 200 APX competition outboard is eligible for Formula One in 2022. Several top teams are expected to race with the 200 APX motor, a 3.4-liter V6 four-stroke model. Rated at more than 200 horsepower, the 200 APX outboard offers racers a very durable powerhead and the latest in four-stroke engine technology, while reducing exhaust emissions by 90 percent compared to the Mercury Racing 200 SX two-stroke outboard currently in use in these classes, which is no longer in production.

The Mercury Racing 360 APX, a new 4.6-liter V8 competition outboard, has been approved for the UIM F1H2O World Championship, the flagship international series of single-seater inshore circuit powerboat racing. It will also offer guests a thrilling ride in the Formula One Race Ride Experience two-seat boat. At most venues those rides will be available for fans purchasing a VIP ticket package. The boat will be equipped with video cameras to capture each guest experience. The Ride Experience boat will also be used as a pace boat during competition.

For more information on Formula One Powerboat Racing Championship events, go to

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