American Yacht Club 44th Annual Spring Regatta - Preview
by American Yacht Club 9 Feb 2023 15:22 PST
May 5-7, 2023

2022 American Yacht Club Spring Regatta © American Yacht Club
American Yacht Club is very excited to announce the plans and new format for the 44th Annual Spring Regatta. We are going to be moving to a three-day Spring Regatta weekend format which is becoming increasingly more popular for premier sailing events. We received a lot of feedback from participants before making this change. Everyone felt having one more weekend to get their boat and crew ready would be extremely helpful. We also received a lot of encouragement to increase the coastal navigator racing format which will be the focus of Friday's race.
The schedule for the Spring Regatta is to open with a Friday Coastal Race on May 5, which will be followed by the Spring Series on Saturday and Sunday, May 6-7. We also have fantastic post racing parties planned for Friday and Saturday night - much more to come about these Spring Regatta event nights in future announcements.
The 44th American Yacht Club Annual Spring Regatta will consist of:
- The Friday Coastal Race on May 5. Scoring for the Friday Coastal Race will be using PHRF. This race will be scored separately and will not be included in the Spring Series score.
- The Spring Series on Saturday and Sunday, May 6-7, will offer two racing formats:
- Windward/Leeward Racing for the ORC and One Design Classes
- Coastal Racing for the PHRF Classes (including Doublehanded & Non-Spinnaker)
As part of the AYC Spring Regatta registration, you can also sign up for the AYC Fall Regatta which will continue to have the two-weekend format and is scheduled for September 23, 24, 30 and October 1, 2023.
For so many sailors over the past forty plus years the Spring Regatta has been a right-of-passage that helps motivate them to get their boats launched and crews ready for the upcoming season.
We look forward to helping kick-off the 2023 sailing season for the North-East and Long Island Sound with the updated AYC Spring Regatta format.
The Spring & Fall Regatta Event Co-Chairs are Erik Asgeirsson and Andy Giglia.
Notice of Race & Regatta Sign-up here.