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Queenscliff Cup and Commodore's Trophy Easter Regatta - The battle to tame the tides

by Rosie and David 26 Mar 2023 23:33 PDT 8-10 April 2023

Queenscliff Cruising Yacht Club (QCYC) is gearing up for its annual Queenscliff Cup and Commodore's Trophy regatta to be contested over the Easter weekend 8-10 April 2023, an inclusive event, providing five races in an Open Division (Division 1) for the Queenscliff Cup with the additional opportunity for female regatta crew to take the helm for two designated races to contest the Commodore's Trophy (Division 2) within the race schedule.

The regatta provides 'a battle to tame the tides', with the interesting tidal flows between the sandbanks leading to Queenscliff and the proximity to The Rip at Port Phillip Heads, providing tactical and navigational challenges which will keep all crews on their toes. For those not familiar with the vagaries of the tides at the bottom of the bay, the Ocean Racing Club of Victoria's (ORCV) annual Rip Tour coming up on Sunday 2 April onboard a SeaRoad Ferry is a timely opportunity to get an inside edge to gain first hand real time experience of the areas with the guidance of expert commentators. With the choice of departing from either Sorrento or Queenscliff, it is also a great day out on a steady vessel for family and friends.

Being well prepared with your game plan for the Queenscliff Cup will give you an inside edge, but to be eligible to win the trophy, all regatta entrants must complete all five races.

In Division 2, the Commodore's Trophy provides an inclusive event within the regatta which encourages participation of mixed crews with a nominated female helm (to be indicated on the entry form) from amongst the boat's regatta crew, to take the helm for Race 3 and 4. Commodore Lee Renfree, the first female commodore in QCYC's sixty year history initiated the trophy in 2022 to encourage more women to actively participate in club sailing events, with Vice Commodore Janet Torode taking out the inaugural honours.

Come and join us for a great way to spend Easter at the destination club QCYC, known for its warm welcome and camaraderie, excellent club facilities including kitchen, bathroom and laundry facilities and wharf berthing.

Queenscliff Cup 2023 Notice of Race is now available online.

Entry Form available at Try Booking.

Booking for Overnight berthing at the QCYC wharf is essential and is a 2-step process. Payment is via Pay Wharfage link here or on the website button.

For further information please contact QCYC Race Director Mike Phelan - or mobile 0429 982 832.

QCYC has been very active under the leadership of Commodore Lee Renfree in spearheading opportunities for more women to become actively involved in sailing and boating activities. On induction as first female commodore, her observations of low levels of females actively involved in sailing around the club, called for more opportunities to encourage women to move from "passengers to participants". In May 2022, the Keelboat Introduction to Sailing Savvy (KISS) program was rolled out, attracting a full class of 25 female participants. Over an 11 week series of webinars, hands on safety and radio workshops, the program concluded on a high note with women empowered to undertake lead roles of helm, navigator and radio operator for a 25nm Passage Race/Rally to QCYC.

The success of the KISS 2022 program and a waitlist of those who missed out last year, has confirmed the need for a repeat program. Planning is well under way with a launch date set for Tuesday 16 May 2023 at 1900hrs, meeting in person at the Royal Yacht Club of Victoria. Follow the QCYC website for further information.

Come and join us!

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