2.4 Meter CanAm Series concludes
by Shan McAdoo 7 Apr 2023 12:48 PDT

2.4 Meter CanAm Series concludes in Port Charlotte © PCYC
The 2023 CanAm Series concluded this past week in Port Charlotte. As usual the officers, members and staff of the Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club did a magnificent job hosting the 28 competitors over Events 4 and 5 of the series.
The sailing conditions were ideal with winds from 6-15 knots. The RC was able to put together five days of racing in the warm 80+ degree weather.
In the end, CanAm Event 4 ended with Bruce Millar, Jeff Linton and Allen Liebel on the podium. CanAm Event 5 concluded with Jeff Linton, Rudy Trejo and Bruce Millar in the top 3 spots.
The sailing moves north with an event at the Tred Avon Yacht Club later this month (April 28-30) and a full summer schedule in New England, Chicago and Canada.
These events featured four newcomers and many returnees commenting on how open and welcoming the class is.
Class association websites: www.us24meter.org / www.canada24mr.com