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Maritimo 2023 M600 LEADERBOARD

Harken One Design Regatta at Largs Sailing Club

by Martin Latimer 28 May 2023 05:06 PDT 20-21 May 2023

On the weekend of 20th & 21st of May Largs Sailing Club hosted their fifth One Design Regatta for D-Zeros, Musto Skiffs, RS200s, RS400s, ILCA6's and 7s which was yet again sponsored by HARKEN. This is a very popular event that grew out of a well supported D-Zero Scottish open which started in 2016.

The event attracted nearly 60 boats from all over Scotland and the North of England with the strongest classes being the D-Zeros and RS200s at 14 boats each. With all the fleets having very active class reps there will be class by class reports popping up, so this report covers the whole event.

Unfortunately having enjoyed some pretty epic strong wind events in recent years this weekend was set to be one for the featherweights and light wind flyers. Forecasts were generally showing just a few knots and looking out from the comfort of the Largs clubhouse there was little evidence of even that occurring. Rob Brown, the weekends RO, held crews ashore for an hour or so and then whilst folk were relaxing, drinking coffee and chatting in the dinghy park and looking at a Largs Channel that resembled a mirror rather than a championship sailing venue Rob made the call to launch... Nuts?... No!... A genius, well informed move that saw crews launching into a pleasant 4/5 kts that maybe increased to 7kts occasionally.

The race team headed by Rob and ARO Anne Roy with the marks layers ably led by Alistair Leicester rapidly laid a quad course for D-Zeros et al and a W/L for Mustos, 400s & 200s and racing started promptly. The D-Zeros were first away and set the tone for tight starts and really close racing. Winds were shifty and weed caught out the unwary but, as ever, the good guys found their way to the front. A late shift saw the Mustos and RS's having to wait for the course to be shifted to west but the D-Zeros, first to start each time, had been a tight fleet and well-behaved and managed to get three races in without delay. This meant they got ashore, to the showers and the beer before the other 40+ boats fought it out in very lights winds for their last race.

Rob did well to get three races in for every fleet and the day's racing closed with the leaders as:

  • D-Zeros - John Bassett (LSC) - 6pts, Ian Baillie (DBSC) - 12pts, Simon Limb (LSC) 14pts
  • ILCA7 - Gavin McGill (LSC) - 4pts, Pete Malcolm (LBSC) 5ptd - Gabrielle Dado (LSC) 9pts
  • ILCA6 - Alexander Cogan Sivarjan (CCC) 6pts - Cameron McDaid (LSC) 7pts - Ian Fitzgerald (DBSC) 8pts
  • Musto Skiff - Euan Hurter (PYC) 5pts - Ollie Bull (CSC) 8pts - Dylan Noble (UYC) 9pts
  • RS200 - Robbie Burns/Viki Simpson (LSC) 6pts - Roo Purves/Rachel Scarfe (ELYC) 7pts - Fiona/Peter Rigg (ELYC) 10pts
  • RS400 - Jamie Calder/Keith Bedborough (DBSC) 3pts

Sunday dawned to an overcast, warm and very still day and the channel was pure glass! A postponement flag was hoisted soon after and whilst some boats were uncovered and some bimbles were being carried out, most the crews felt the cancellation of racing was inevitable. At around lunchtime N over A was hoisted... no more racing... racing abandoned or in RS200 racing was given the Boot! So the results from Saturday stood and a grand array of prizes were awarded by Neil Gould, Rear Commodore of Largs Sailing Club.

Thanks go to:

  • HARKEN UK for their primary event sponsorship and a generous supply of £25.00 vouchers, Tee Shirts, Beanies and Visors
  • Stewart Brewing for lubricating the RS and Musto Fleets
  • D-Zero Sailing UK for additional class prizes in the D-Zero Fleet
  • The whole team at Largs SC, the committee, the volunteers, the bar team, the caterers and the race team for organising a great event
And of course to the competitors, especially those who travelled far, for making it yet another regatta to remember with great, close racing and great camaraderie despite less than ideal weather - see you all next year!

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHelmCrewClubCategoryR1R2R3Pts
1st306Jon BASSETT Largs SC 1236
2nd336Ian BAILLIE Dalgety Bay SC 53412
3rd160Simon LIMB Largs SC 48214
4thGBR22Alistair MCLAUGHLIN Largs SC 31OCS19
5th265Billy MCCARLIE Largs SC 69520
6th283Willie TODD Largs SC 211821
7th189Richard BRYANT Annandale SC 94922
8thGBR57Martin LATIMER Largs SC 87722
9th333Liz POTTER West Kirby SC 1112124
10th353Scott MUNRO ASYC 76OCS28
11thGBR344Mick GREEN Rossendale Valley SC 1210628
12th215Finley BRIGGS Largs SCU18105OCS30
13thGBR251Stuart MOSS Largs SC 13131137
14th236Calum MCCRINDLE Largs SC 14141038
1st211012Alexander COGAN SIVARJAN Clyde Cruising Club 1416
2nd208887Cameron MCDAID Largs SCU184127
3rd206183Ian FITZGERALD Dalgety Bay SC 2248
4th215531Ruairi HERRINGTON Largs SCU1833511
5th185702Eva FARNELL Largs SCU1855313
1st180764Gavin MCGILL Largs SC 2114
2nd213798Peter MALCOLM Largo Bay SC 1225
3rdITA200975Gabriele DADO Largs SC 3339
4th159179Fraser LAWRIE Largs SCU1844412
1stRS464Euan HURTER Point Yacht Club 2215
2nd410Ollie BULL Chanonry SCU183328
3rd608Dylan Noble Ullswater YC 5139
4th618Jamie HILTON Wormit Boating Club 16512
5th546Ian TROTTER DRSC 44715
6th620Steve ROBSON Largs SC 75416
7thGBR500Tom CONWAY Derwent Water SC 68620
8th26Luca DE JONG Largs SCU1887823
RS 400 Class
1st1449Jamie CALDERKeith BEDBOROUGHDalgety Bay SC 1113
2nd1370Mark POWELLPamela KENTHelensburgh SC 3429
3rd768Angus MARSHALLImogen MARSHALLDBSC 52310
4th1129David WEBLEYFraser MULFORDWormit Boating Club 25411
5th1073Jamie ROGERSNeil MCLARENHoly Loch SC 43512
6th1294Mike GRANTAlan BIRSELargs SC 66618
RS 200 Class
1st1632Robert BURNSVicki SIMPSONLargs SC 1236
2nd1549Roo PURVESRachel SCARFEELYCU182327
3rd600Fiona RIGGPeter GIGGEast Lothian Yacht Club 31610
4th1510Brendan LYNCHElan CLARKELYC 64111
5th930Martin FAULKNERDavid WILLIAMSLargs SC 55414
6th1642John WILSONLaura GLOVERELYC 48719
7th1120Peter COLLINGSLynsey MCCOSHCastle Semple SC 116522
8th777Tom GRAHAMEmma FOWLERELYC 87924
9th523Samuel SLOSSChloe RANKINLargs SC 7101027
10th1553Iain DUNCANOthilie BARTHEHSC 109827
11th993Andrew BELLRyan MILLERLargs SC 9121132
12th1027Anna MILLERWilliam O'KEEFELargs SCU1812111235
13th876Suzie HOMEREugene LAUDalgety Bay SC 13141340
14th269Isabelle O FARRELLDominic BURNSCLYC RET131442

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