Viking 68 - Moving forward
by Viking Yachts 19 Jul 2023 10:02 PDT

Viking 68 hull no. 52 © Viking Yachts
With 55 boats sold, our 68 Convertible dominates its class. This Viking View takes you forward on hull No. 52, from the lazarette to the engineroom to the bow.
We'll highlight a few of the 100-plus mechanical, electrical and plumbing installations that result in the 68's industry-leading engineering, performance, fishability and luxury accommodations.
In the lazarette, Mechanic Danilo Mejia has already used a custom aluminum fixture to locate the mounting holes for the installation of the Seakeeper 26. Aluminum plates with threaded inserts are laminated into the stringers. Danilo is drilling out the areas to provide access to the inserts. The Seakeeper will then be bolted to the stringers.
In the engineroom on the starboard side, Electrician Jose Zavala runs power cables to the Optimus Electronic Power Steering's pump control module (installed, top left) - the brain of the system. Its four electric pumps, also already installed, are shown in the foreground.
Mechanic Jose Garcia is responsible for installing several systems in the engineroom, including the ElectroSea CLEARLINE. Its ClearCell component (shown above) chlorinates raw water to prevent marine growth throughout the seawater system. "I know how important my job is - you must be totally focused," says Jose. "We are building the best boats in the world here!"
Moving into the bow area, we found Electrician Salomon Lopez crimping an end connection for one of the power feeds to a control box for the Octoplex remote switching system. Right: After crimping, Salomon applies heat-shrink tubing to ensure watertight integrity.
In the forepeak, Mechanic Juan Rivera works on the pressurized freshwater supply manifold for the head systems, securing each hose with two clamps. "Attention to detail and quality are very important," says Juan. "I take pride in doing the best job possible."
For information about the four-stateroom, four-head Viking 68, which is offered as an open bridge (above) and an enclosed bridge model, please contact your authorized Viking dealer.