Rolex Fastnet Race 2023 On Board Allegra
by PlanetSail 27 Jul 2023 06:09 PDT
Rolex Fastnet Race 2023 on board Allegra © PlanetSail
Paul Larsen is the world's fastest sailor. He's a multihull fanatic and a great story teller and his description of Allegra's Fastnet Race is well worth a listen.
If you thought that charging around the 700 mile course on a 78ft luxury cruising cat would be a comfortable, stress free way to tick the Fastnet Race box, Paul puts you in the picture as to what it was really like.
The crew of Adrian Keller's Allegra completed the course in 2 days and 8 hours and 44 mins to win the MOCRA class but as Paul explains, it was far from easy. Paul Larsen tells Matt Sheahan what it was like.
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