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Palm Beach Motor Yachts

SKUD 18 UK National Championship 2023 at Rutland Sailing Club

by Richard Johnson 27 Sep 2023 08:57 PDT 23-24 September 2023

Sailing was dropped from the Paralympics after Rio 2016 and the Skud 18 keelboat was one of the boats used so after Rio they were languishing in boat parks.

With great effort a few people at Rutland Sailability gradually acquired many of the British boats and for the first time we had all of our fleet of six out racing over the weekend of 23rd-24th September 2023 for the UK National Championship. A great weekend of close racing for the disabled helms with mostly able bodied crews.

A warm sunny 10 knot South Southwest breeze helped the fleet to bed in on Saturday. The course, from the Rutland dam to the peninsular and back gave plenty of tactical challenges as the SKUDs worked the shifts on the beat inshore.

Previous champions Christine Spray crewed by Jon Williams led, opening their score with a win, closely followed by Ben Measures and helm Simon Harle sailing fast and high, with last year's Champion Paul Pearson, crewed this year by Nevil Rose completing the top three.

The wind went left for the second race but Spray again led, this time challenged by visitors Adam Billaney and helm Jazz Turner (Newhaven and Seaford SC), new to the boat but learning fast. They went on to win races 3 and 4 and were on equal points with Spray overnight.

Sunday was 'on the limit' with 30+ knot gusts but, although heeling at an alarming angle, the SKUDs were tracking upwind at 5-6 knots with sails eased and flattened. First to the mark in Race 5 were Richard Johnson and helm John Vickers beating inshore out of the worst gusts. they led for all but the last 50 yards and were just pipped for first by Spray and Williams, who took the series lead from Billaney and Turner in third.

The last race had the strongest winds but Johnson and Vickers again led until an unlucky header at the first mark dropped then to fourth. With the Spinnaker pulling hard they were catching up, recording over 14 knots boatspeed until a huge broach wiped out their chances, dropping them to last place. The winners were Spray and Williams, closely followed by Billaney and Turner, coping superbly with the extreme conditions in a strange boat - a good start to their 2024 Para Sailing World Championship campaign.

Thanks to Rutland Sailing Club for hosting the Event, the Hansa Class UK for their support and to Race Officer and ex SKUD sailor Val Millward for running some great racing.

Overall Results:

1 Christine Spray and Jon Williams, 6pts
2 Jazz Turner and Adam Billaney, 9pts
3 John Vickers and Richard Johnson, 17pts
4= Simon Harle and Ben Measures, 21pts
4= Pat Crowley and Evan Williams, 21pts
6 Paul Pearson and Nevil Rose, 22pts

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