Allen Solo class National Championship and Nation's Cup 2024 at Brightlingsea Sailing Club - Day 2
by Will Loy 24 Aug 2024 03:14 PDT
22-25 August 2024

Day 2 of the Allen 2024 Solo Nationals at Brightlingsea © Will Loy
Clearly, from the din outside my room yesterday evening, my analysis of the UK state of affairs was misjudged. The karaoke machine had been stretched to the very limit of its musical ethics and while X Factor has indeed uncovered some Essex talent over the years, Brightlingsea was devoid of any last night.
I rose from my satisfyingly firm double bed and stumbled across to the window, the wooden frame looking as unloved as the decks of that abandoned hull which rests at the end of every sailing club. The sky was grey and, had I been a wild animal I would have probably gone back into hibernation but the forecast looked promising so I pulled on some easy-wear garments and headed to the club.
The race team, obviously part of the Nationals WhatsApp group must have read my previous comments regarding the state of the flags which were now absent from the pole, either that or they blew away.
Some of the contingent are camping, possibly testing their equipment for an assault on Everest, and with no casualties or tent losses I can only assume they had pitched in the lee of the clubhouse.
The canteen was as industrious as ever, a bacon and egg bap my personal choice of carb/protein intake but other fillings are available. Breakfast consumed, I took a moment, in between editing videos to glance out at the vista which would hopefully be our playground in a number of hours.
The sun had began to break through, illuminating the dark green water while white eyebrows atop filled the estuary, confirming that it was still bloody windy.
The PRO had wisely postponed, given the conditions. Launching from a lee shore into a thin sliver of water is a little tricky, though it will make great video.
We sat and waited, some casually sipped coffee, possibly contemplating their poor gym attendance while others were out in the boat park, checking crosshead screw torque or just patting the old girl on the deck, re-assuring themselves that everything would be alright.
By 12pm Ernesto had done one and was heading off to Europe and so, with tallies released, we could finally get this Championship under way.
The Brightlingsea shore team moved with the assurance of any decent border force, filing the long line of sailors into the water and giving them an extra push to make sure they didn't come back.
Inness Armstrong was first out and the assembled masses watched with keen interest as he powered his Solo against the foul tide, one tacking the narrow strip of estuary with ease before banking left onto a full-out plane.
I had positioned deck cameras on a number of competitors Solos and after tapping the 'on' and 'record' button, headed off to the Jury/Media rib, a 6 metre Ribeye with seating for 8 or significantly more if you were loading from Calais.
The breeze had now stabilised to a very nice 14-16 knots with a lumpy sea state, the Sun had returned and did it's best to make the water look inviting, Jury Steve Watson adding his own tint for good measure.
Our driver, Steve Kirby, had suggested that I sit forwards, towards the bow to provide an uninhibited platform from which to film from. I am not sure if he didn't like me or, sensing my back problems, thought the brutal therapy only short chop and malicious Thai masseurs provide would jar it back into place.
After 5 minutes I made my excuses and exited the foredeck, it was not a happy ending but it did loosen my molar.
We positioned ourselves behind the fleet as the start went into sequence, Steve Watson, akin to a driving test instructor, providing firm yet calm directions to his student, standing close so to grab the wheel at any stage, while below, his welly sheathed brake foot subconsciously twitched in anticipation.
Race 1
Clean start and kudos to the PRO for setting a square line, the fleet spread down it like a string of pegs with that natural sag you always get on a washing line. Paul Davis had seen it and was a couple of boat lengths proud of the pack but not over and this tactic would see him fourth at mark 1 but it was Charlie Cumbley who rounded first with Pim van Vugt and Oliver Davenport in pursuit. Hans Duetz, whose daughter recently won Gold in the FX 49er was fifth from Ted Bakker, Simon Potts and Fergus Barnham. The triangle shaped lap was full of spray and sunshine, Cumbley unsurprisingly maintaining his lead but the second beat saw Pim take over, hitching further right with Davenport and these two took a healthy advantage at the top. Davenport has improved exponentially over the last two years and asserted himself at the front of the fleet by the top of lap 3, meanwhile on board the rib I was having problems with my trusty Nikon P950, an altercation with the steel mounting resulting in a fatal blow which would bring an abrupt end to our relationship. My eyes met with the Jury/Driving Instructor, surely this accident could have been everted. Most importantly, Patrick Burns, my assistant for the day was still on board, there are other more subtle ways to make him disappear.
I would have to rely on my 'trusty' top of the range Samsung S5, for the rest of the day at least but this did affect my recollection of the subsequent races, given the size of the screen and my diminishing eyesight.
Finishing order for race 1 then was Davenport, van Vugt, Cumbley, Taxi and Duetz
Race 2
The wind had dropped a few knots but with the sea state resembling a mogul run with no snow, punching through or going around the chop would be key to success.
Top mark and Vince Horey sneaks inside Mark Lee for the bragging rights, not shy when it comes to chatter at the bar, he will be harping on about this success for weeks, fortunately his North London team's under achievements usually bring him back down to earth if his own performance doesn't. Martin Honnor, Cumbley, Andy Davis, Davenport, Dave Winder and Paul Davis completed the top eight and with the spreader mark navigated, the fleet spread out across the bay for a taxing run, the PRO opting for the sausage/triangle for this race.
Cumbley was just about in the lead by the leeward gate and extended over the next few laps to take the bullet with Davenport, Horey, Huisman and Davis completing the top five.
I gathered my thoughts and with my P950 high in my list of priorities, fumbled with the lens and gave the lengthy zoom a few frantic rubs. My crew, unaware that I had my equipment out, everted their eyes, the Jury man shaking his head while our driver pretended to be doing something in the forward locker.
Race 3
Fortunately we were soon into race 3 which I may add, was as frantic as my rubbing and ultimately as fruitless with the pin end busier than Hanger Lane on any day of the week, recall.
The re-start was almost as manic as the fleet struggled to counter the adverse tide. This scenario continued at the top mark which, not unlike the bucket of names which provide prize winners, chose some random names to lead. Jarvis Simpson, the local who had spent most of race 2 upside down made amends in dramatic style, leading from Graham Cranford Smith, Horey, Chris Aston and Chris Mayhew who I might add, races a wooden Solo which was built over 16 years ago. Davenport was again in the mix, Davis was deep but the biggest surprise was seeing Cumbley reach in from the left with about 60 Solos ahead of him.
There were snakes and ladders but if you ask some of those present, the comments would be less angelic.
Horey took command and with Aston in his rear mirror, looked set for the bullet but, the winner of more Wally of the Day jackets than anyone reliably cocked it up again, rounding the leeward gate the wrong way. Clearly unaware of the Spurs supporters propensity to mess up, Aston followed, both losing valuable positions and any validity to their tactical nouse.
At the gun, Barnham, Davenport, Mayhew, Horey and Aston completed the top five with Cumbley valiantly passing about 50 competitors to finish eighth.
The fleet headed in while I held on to the rib's safety bars for dear life. It must have looked fun from a competitor view but the language under my breath was unprintable.
So, overnight leader is Oliver Davenport with Cumbley, Barnham, Davis and van Vugt completing a talented top 5.
The forecast for day 3 is wet to start with light variable winds, this should move away by 2pm allowing at least two races though four are provisionally planned.
The evenings entertainment continued with a pulsating AGM, the Association thank you for your sacrifice.
The prize giving, was sponsored by CF by LandL who provided a lovely colourful carbon extension, Noble Marine, title sponsor Allen, KLG and CB Coverstore. Cranford Smith was especially ecstatic to win the 25% voucher off a new CB Coverstore Solo Combi.
I had the opportunity to interview the CF by LandL earlier in the event, video to follow with full explanation of the brand name.
Thank you to all our sponsors.
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It is now Day 3, competitors are once again congregated in the clubhouse awaiting instruction from the PRO Sarah Conlon who has posted an indefinite AP.
Hopefully later we will resume the challenge for the Solo National Championship and Nation's Cup.