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Palm Beach Motor Yachts

Firefly Open at Chipstead Sailing Club

by Nigel Wakefield 6 Sep 2024 04:51 PDT 1 September 2024

The Firefly Open 2024 at Chipstead Sailing Club was as thrilling and competitive event as ever and the sun came out to boot. Not bad for the first day of September.

The event featured four races, with each providing a unique challenge for the participants, from shifty winds, overheating (it really was that hot and there was really quite a lot of quick-fire roll tacking), to avoiding mud banks and Enterprises who were also competing in their Open. The wind was a consistent force three from running straight down the lake, but in the opposite direction to usual (according to locals). The long start line forced a compromise between benefiting from the bias and starting in the trees with no wind. The racing was tight with many place changes.

The home boats had a great battle with Andy and Kieran Morse coming off best in some thrilling finishes. Lucy Boreham and Rachel Crebbin found the podium, taking third after relying on countback to better Sophia and Dom Johnson. However, Sophia took the youth helm prize even with dad Dom crewing. The Pank father/son duo of Jono and Freddie (who were sporting matching onshore outfits) finished second. The inaugural pairing of Nigel Wakefield and Jo Mason won the event and the coveted Walter Smith Trophy, much to Jo's delight.

After racing the competitors took a dip in the lake to cool down and Chipstead laid on a fantastic tea as always.

The organisers did an excellent job of ensuring that the event ran smoothly, with efficient race management and clear communication with the competitors. The support staff and volunteers also played a crucial role in making the event a success, ensuring that all the sailors had a memorable and enjoyable experience. Overall, the Firefly Open 2024 at Chipstead Sailing Club was a fantastic event that highlighted the spirit of Firefly sailing and the thrill of competition. Looking forward to the last four events of the year.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4Pts
1st3007Nigel WakefieldJo MasonNetley SC11113
2nd4400Jono PankFreddie PankImperial Poona YC22226
3rd3739Lucy BorehamRachel CrebbinChichester YC443310
4th3154Sophia JohnsonDom JohnsonDowns SC334410
5th2486Andy MorseKieran MorseChipstead SC555515
6th2166Neil BanksToby RichardsonChipstead SC666DNC18
7th2816David ShewanAlice ShewanChipstead SC887621
8th2095Peter LanhamWendy SeatonChipstead SC778DNC22

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