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K1 National Championship 2024 at Brixham Yacht Club

by Hilly King 10 Sep 10:56 PDT 6-8 September 2024

The K1 National Championship, sponsored by Ovington Boats, Craftinsure and Gill clothing were held at Brixham Yacht Club over the long weekend of 6th - 8th September.

Competitors started arriving on Thursday afternoon and were greeted in the English Riviera with continuous rainfall, which just seemed to increase with intensity as competitors tried setting up their boats in preparation for a wonderful regatta ahead.

Together with the weather all agreed that the steps in Brixham are not for the faint hearted and when covered in water require special care and attention! Spirits are always high in the K1 family and this year a "buddy system" was introduced to ensure those newer to the class could pick the brains of more experienced sailors. This proved to be a great way to increase knowledge quickly. Mike Beckett unveiled his day old, beautiful blue boat (Forever Blue) and his many buddies looked on in admiration.

Friday morning dawned and after registration the Chief race officer Sean Semmens briefed the fleet on the race course and predicted winds, which were light and variable, but above 5 knots over the whole race course with occasional gusts of greater strength.

We were sharing the regatta with the Hadron H2 class who as always were super fun. We then set about negotiating the limited slipway to launch into the harbour. The beach team deserve a massive thank you for standing shoulder deep in a cold sea helping 53 boats in and out of the water, a fabulous effort!

The course for the K1 class was to be a trapezoid and the number of upwind legs determined by clearly the wind strength and the sea state.

The first race held on Friday was started after a small delay waiting for the wind direction to remain constant, however not all the twenty six boats had made their way to the start line in time as they were still retuning from practicing on the racecourse! The first beat saw most boats enjoying a short shoreline tack before picking up the lift heading seawards. Simon Hawkes, Richard Sims, Leighton King and Jeremy Hudson were showing good early pace with Ian Jay and Hilly King leading the chasing pack.

However whilst the majority were working seawards Graham Butler, Andrew Wilson and Jeff Vander Borght were holding the shore tack and with the wind swinging could easily make significant gains. It would be all to play for once the fleet came together at the windward mark. The quality and closeness of the racing throughout the fleet is amazing and a small mistake could easily cost you five places.

At the windward mark Simon held a slender lead over a group of seven or eight chasing boats but the fleet was all very tightly packed. Great to see newcomers to the fleet like George Hoskins in the mix and showing consistent boat speed. The leeward mark was to prove the turning point in this race when Simon and Richard rounded the wrong mark and headed off incorrectly, whilst the rest of the fleet continued to the correct mark.

Andrew, Graham, Leighton and Paul Birbeck stayed reasonably central on the race course, whilst Jeremy, Jeff and Chris Swallow went much further right which proved to be the correct decision.

The following lap saw more place changes in the middle of the fleet but the leaders remained constant. A mention should go to Simon since after realising his mistake he was distinctly mid fleet and with great skill he worked his way remarkably back to within striking distance of the front runners. At the finish Andrew won followed by Graham, Jeremy, Simon and Leighton.

The second race promised slightly stronger winds and a much more constant direction. The fleet were clearly a tad eager to start as most were over the start line and a general recall was called. When the fleet got away at the second attempt Simon, Paul, Ian and Richard were making great headway holding a starboard lift. In an attempt to get clear air Jeremy, Leighton and Jason King all headed seawards very early. Start of the day surely goes to Jeff who crossed the fleet on port and seemed to have his own private windshifts.

Andrew, Graham and Geoff King were playing the shifts in the centre of the racetrack but the two sides were clearly the place to be, as not only was the wind stronger but holding a constant direction. At the windward mark Simon, Paul, Ian and Richard held a slight lead over the chasing pack. It was interesting to see Paul and Ian working the waves to the windward side of the course, whilst Simon and Richard stayed very central.

Further back Leighton, Jeff and Jeremy were making steady progress and as the fleet started the final beat it was anyone's race.

Again the selection of which lifts to take were very critical and varied but Simon extended his lead over those close to him by staying slightly to starboard on the race course and when the mark position was changed, to allow for further wind direction changes, he was able to take maximum advantage.

At the finish Simon won, followed by Paul, Ian, Richard and Jeff. At the end of the first day Simon held a lead over the fleet but still all to play for over the next two days.

Saturday was an earlier start and an anticipated increase in wind strength. The fleet duly launched and made slow progress getting to the sailing area in the bay. Some rather large seals basked in the harbour eating the catch of the day, whilst an Aircraft carrier slowly moved shorewards. I still don't know if the waves were caused by the carrier or just the tidal conditions.

When we arrived at the sailing area the race was postponed to allow for a more constant wind direction and the strength continued to increase.

The first race on Saturday was a clean start for most but I am aware a couple of boats were overkeen on the pin end of the line and forced to return. The first beat was to prove critical and to keep a clean track so your wind is less disturbed. Those first to show and keeping good pace were Paul, Simon, Graham and Andrew all favouring to stay towards the shore, whilst Jeremy, Hilly, Leighton and Jeff were heading seawards. The chasing group led by Ian, Geoff and George had all opted for the shore as well which was clearly advantageous.

When the fleet came together at the windward mark Graham, Simon, Andrew, Paul and Richard were all in very close proximity. Jeff, Jeremy, Chris, Ian, and Geoff were also very closely packed and determined to catch the front group. Further back Steve Pooley, Mike, Liz Le Mare and George were having a battle royal with places changing seemingly on every tack.

It was also apparent that the less experienced competitors were making significant advances with Lawrence Whittenham, Cedric Jacobsen, Jonathan Buckler, Phillip Norris and Simon Etter within touching distance of the pack in front of them. It was great to see a rejuvenated Gordon Keyworth and Mike Deane, both having overcome issues back in the fold. This closeness of racing builds confidence and clearly the buddy system was paying dividends.

Special mention to Leighton in this race who was literally last at the start but proved exceptionally quick on the race course to move right up to the back of the leading group for the last downwind leg.

Back with the leaders some very large windshifts at the leeward mark were causing havoc. Simon, Paul, Richard, Graham and Andrew were able to harden up and take a massive shift to the new windward mark. Ian, Geoff, George and Mike who were next to round did not get the lift even though they were only metres down on the leading group. Ironically Jeff, Hilly, Jason, Chris and Leighton all again had the favourable wind which altered positions significantly.

Once round the replaced windward mark Simon was never troubled and at the finish took the win followed by Graham, Andrew, Paul and Richard.

Race two on Saturday was started in probably the best wind of the weekend however half way up the first beat the wind swung and became significantly lighter. Those that had opted to take the lift seawards were caught in the dying wind, these included Simon, Jeremy, Hilly and Jeff who had all shown good early pace. The front runners were now those who had opted to head towards the shore including Richard, Andrew, Graham, Paul and Leighton.

Those selecting shifts up the centre including Mike, George, Steve, Jason and Ian were suffering mixed fortunes battling not only the variable wind but also a strong chop which at times stopped any forward progress. Strange as it may seem once the leaders reached the windward mark the wind picked up and gave beautiful fast reaches to the leeward marks.

Richard together with Paul and Andrew appeared to be surfing into a comfortable lead, however Graham, Leighton and Ian were working the waves on the far left of the course and closed the gap to a couple of boat lengths, so the last beat was going to be a very close run thing. At the finish Andrew took the win, followed by Richard, Paul, Graham and Leighton.

Most of the front runners were carrying one race they would be keen to discard but at this stage the championship was wide open.

The last race on Saturday was started in a reasonably constant light breeze and the favoured starting position would be towards the pin end with a view to tacking early to take the freshening sea breeze and associated lift. Another clean start saw Simon, Hilly, Graham and Jason in clear tracks and once they went out to sea were clearly sailing fast and high.

As we reached the lay line to the windward mark Hilly passed Simon with Graham and Jason still in close attendance. Hilly rounded first and headed for the off wind marks hoping the new settings (thank you Simon) would be equally as fast surfing down the waves.

Simon took the lead using the waves to perfection and at this point the wind literally disappeared. Simon along with some others, not unreasonably, thought the race would be abandoned and headed back to the harbour.

However the race was NOT abandoned, but merely shortened so the fleet drifted to the finish. Graham ghosted past Hilly and won the race, Hilly second followed by Jeff, Jason and Andrew.

As we all flapped our way back to the harbour the heavens opened again with a vengeance. Slight confusion reigned with who to report to with your tally number to be able to book a slot and with it assistance on the slipway. It was whilst Graham, Hilly, Jason and Steve were chasing a random guard boat that Hilly nearly totalled his beloved Ovington and as a result won the K1SS trophy (yes it has been called other names)!

The Fleet BBQ in the evening proved an outstanding success and a chance to catch up on the last two days of racing and the controversies arising. The K1 class is a very friendly fleet who without exception genuinely enjoy being with each other. We welcome all, so please come and see for yourselves.

Sunday we were scheduled to sail three more races and determine who would be K1 National Champion. The wind however was determined not to play ball and did not materialise. Wisely the day was abandoned and therefore the two previous days results would determine the overall results.

Graham Butler very deservedly is the 2024 K1 National Champion, and also won the Masters Trophy.

Andrew Wilson was second and winner of the Veterans Trophy.

Other Prize winners:

Mike Beckett - Masters
Hilly King - Seniors Trophy
Jeff Vander Borght - Veterans

Overall Results:

1Graham Butler2132419
2Andrew Wilson1731510
3Simon Hawkes41172613
4Paul Birbeck72432616
5Richard Sims10452718
6Jeff Vander Borght12569323
7Leighton King5685924
8Ian Jay631062625
9Jeremy Hudson387102628
10Hilly King810912229
11Chris Swallow99158834
12Jason King14111211438
13Geoff KIng11121114640
14George Hoskins131513161556
15MIke Beckett151416132658
16Steve Pooley171614151459
17Jonathon Buckler161721181364
18Philip Norris201918231067
19Cedric Jakobsen182319171670
20Gordon Keyworth212023251175
21Liz Le Mare242217191775
22Simon Etter252420211277
23Mark Savage232624201986
24Mike Deane221825222687
25Lawrence Whittenham262522241889
26Nigel Salmon192127272693

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