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Maritimo 2023 M600 LEADERBOARD

A Class Cat World Championships at Centro Velico Punta Ala - Day 3

by Gordon Upton 12 Sep 05:45 PDT

After the Southern Ocean conditions on Monday, then the Prosecco sailing of Tuesday, Wednesday was always going to be a come down at the World A-Class Cat Championships in Punta Ala, Italy. And so it was, the winds of the Golfo Di Follonica needed a rest. Both Classic and Open foiling fleets remained bolted to the sandy beaches of the PuntAla Camp & Resort for a few hours more that the sailors cared for. There was only so much lovely Italian coffee to be drunk before the visions started to appear as they developed caffeine overdoses.

And as many of the WAGs had all gone off on a tour to Sienna's coffee shops and patisseries, they were now forced to talk to each other. As is the way with many men, some discovered the guy they sailed with for to years actually had kids or had been married three times. Others never realised that someone else was a former World Hang Gliding Champion or saying something along the lines of 'Oh, I hadn't realise she wasn't your wife.." to that guy you only saw at overseas events, that sort of stuff.

But eventually the red and white striped pennant of doom was dropped and the all boats afloat flag went up. The beach suddenly became as busy as an aircraft carrier deck at launch time, sails pushed up, rudders plugged on, foils safely clipped to the footstraps because they sink really fast if you drop them, and they all headed off for their respective race areas, Classics South, Opens to the North. Once there, they tested all the sailing angles, pin end position, pinged the line on their GPS. Finally they came under starters orders for the off.

The winds were steady direction wise, but a variable 5-8 knts of pressure. Over on the Classic course, the sailors, particularly those who sailed at the weekend event, knew that there was a lift to be found by sailing to the course left, was the wind followed the curve of the small peninsula, South of the sailing area. This meant it was to be a left up, left down course, rather like a reversed Lake Garda situation. At the gun, the fleet set off, with World Classic No. 2 Gustavo Dorest, ESP 72, nailing the pin. He was being followed by another ESP sailor, the Expat Scot Micky Tod, ESP 7, who also loves the pin end. As the fleet started to stretch, out, boats in poor positions tacked away for the right as to sit in a poor position, being covered by someone else is madness. Eventually the fleet rejoined at the top.

Most of the top early rounders had come up from the left, maybe because they started nearer the pin. First around was Chris Batchelor ISV 1 on his DNA F1, but he was chased by Ben Hall, USA 99, and this veteran sailor was on a mission. As expected, the German light wind expert, George Reutter GER 2 was close, but Gustavo was still up there, looking to expunge his first race DNF points, having already won the three Tuesday races. Most tried the left of the course initially, but the wind was such that patches appeared all over, so most simply chased those to avoid the holes, rather like sailing along a big next, trying to keep to the ropes.

At the bottom, Gustavo had passed the others, but Ben Hall doggedly kept at it, and split the course at the bottom, going to the left again. George was always there too. He simply cannot get enough of this stuff. Back at the top, it was Ben, George and Gustavo, but now they were joined by Jose Lopez ESP 52 and Marco Radman ITA 55. Back to the bottom, Ben and most of the others went to the left again, sailing at 8 kts or so in the fickle strength wind. On the last downwind, Ben (78) was just going deeper that the rest, on his French Blue Scheurer, and the fella finally won his first ever Worlds race, after a record number of Worlds races through some 14 World Championships, and the builder of 6 A-Cats, and over 100 A-Cat masts, claimed that Old Guys Rule! Gustavo was a happy second and King George came in Third.

Over on the Open course the top sailors had emerged again. Current leader and reigning World Champ, Kuba Surowiec POL 41, Mischa Heemskerk NED 007, Darren Bundock AUS 88, Manolo Calavia ESP 11, Ravi Parent USA 76 and Stevie Brewin AUS 4 were all in action, fast, even in the light stuff. The wind had increased a little, so they we looking at numbers of 13-15+ knots uphill. Bundy rounded first, closely shadowed by Mischa and Manolo. This course was a little more open tactically, there didn't look to have any one side massively favoured, so boats came and went on both sides. Bundy lead until the bottom mark of Lap 2, where Mischa seemed to find another gear after the mark rounding and pulled ahead with his characteristic muscular guns-out style.

Looking at the race tracker it can be seen that me exceeded 23kts coming into that top mark, possibly as he'd slightly over-layed it to guard against shifts, but that was some twice wind speed. Pretty impressive by any standards. But although he then led to the finish a lap later, Kuba was inexorably catching him up right until the end, to finish second. Ravi, also putting on a good spurt was third. Next was a virtual dead heat with Manolo just pipping Bundy at the line, shouting with exaltation something in Spanish.

Rider reset, game on for race 6 of the series. Interesting, no general recalls on either fleet yet too. These are well behaved sailors, take note you RS200 and Oppy people, this is how it's done!

On this Open race, Kuba nailed the pin decisively. An A-Cat start at this level is rather interesting. It's rather like the British Grand National horse race, the sailors all jostle for position in the last three minutes or so, but by the one min gun, most seem to have settled into a place of sorts. Amazing that 80 off boats can cram into the start area and yet remain untouching! Then go! All haul in travellers and mainsheets, and within 7 seconds should be getting up towards full speed. Full speed obviously is sailor dependent, otherwise they would all pile into each other at the top mark wouldn't they. The top guys in the fleet are the ones who can foil upwind in the light stuff, say from 7-8 kts of wind.

But the wind wasn't that high, so close in trapezing was the best they could manage. At the top it was Joey Randall, AUS 22 leading the way, with Kuba and Stevie is persuit. Mischa was backin 4th and the Viking, Thomas Paasch, DEN 1 in 5th place. But gybing at the lay line, Joey, always a bit of a fan of speed, decided to choose just speed. Kuba chose velocity, and as such was reaching the bottom mark at a much faster rate, sailing lower and just outstripping the rest of the fleet with seemingly minimal effort. All chose the right-hand bottom mark, but once rounded, threw in tacks to head back upwind on the left.

Now, remember that Viking? This is where he raided the fleet, and blasted inside at the mark, emerging on the starboard tack in 2nd place. Mischa was going faster, but Thomas was higher and out pointing him, and with Ravi trying to stay in touch with the top 3 boats. At the top mark, Kuba was increasing his lead, as was Thomas, who found pointing higher in the lightening winds paid dividends, and Mischa was now back in 5th, having had Ravi and Bundy pass him to windward.

At the finish, Kuba scored his 3rd bullet to further cement his lead on the Championship. Thomas got his Viking hoard with a second, and Bundy in at third, some 3+ minutes behind Kuba. However, more interestingly, another, as yet unmentioned sailor arrived in fourth. PJ Dwarshuis, NED 28, Mr DNA himself, sailed the race of his championship to arrive in that position. Interestingly, at the last Worlds in Toulon, in a similar light marginal wind race, he suddenly appeared and claimed the bullet, much to his huge amusement and happiness! It's his 'thing' it seems.

By now the wind was starting to evaporate. Over on the Classic course, they race was finished after 2 laps of drifty shifty winds of 5 kts. Gustavo scored the win, wo consolidate his championship lead as enough races had been sailed for discards to occur, and he could shed those 89 points he got for his retirement on race one. With bullets in all the rest, he looks set for the title, as long as the wheels stay on. Second was Marco and third was the reigning Classic Champ, Scott Anderson AUS 31.

In all, it was a frustrating day for some. Places changed dramatically at times, some for the worse, others for the better. But it's sailing. Wouldn't be such fun if we never had days like this would it?

Speaking of frustrations, today, Thursday, the surf has come in and 18kts is blowing. The surf has prevented launching, so racing has been canned. Fingers crossed for a lovely final day tomorrow... Now where's that kiteboard?

Classic Fleet Results after day 3:

PosSail NoHelmClubR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
1 ESP 72Gustavo DORESTE BLANCO8021RET111216
2 AUS 31John Scott ANDERSONSaratoga Sailing Club2524‑13316
3 AUS 308Andrew LANDENBERGERNESC3252‑8820
4 POL 1Jacek NOETZELPOL1343‑221021
5 ITA 55Marco RADMANCentro Vela Sunset4117‑147231
6 ESP 52Jose A LOPEZTrial Club Maritim Barcelona‑4743541834
7 FRA 399Emmanuel le CHAPELIERCNF5988‑20535
8 ITA 007Alessandro ROSI5271096‑15436
9 ESP 38Andrés GRAURCNB10661011‑4643
10 GER 121Moritz WEISSVS147109‑211555
11 ITA 75Francesco MAINEROAssociazione velica Senigallia11‑311211141664
12 ITA 5Manuel VACCARICVOrta18‑2619215972
14 GER 100Christian STOCKSVS‑36131419181175
15 ITA 15Andrea RUFFINI133291821209‑2477
16 USA 99Ben HALLN/A291626‑321779
17 USA 165Bob WEBBONUpper Keys Sailing Club‑3215252661486
19 AUS 63Mark GRIFFITHrpayc2224182210‑4396
20 ESP 7Micky TODDCARRDG191618‑433299
21 ITA 70Alberto MAGNIRagnavela1612‑31312519103
22 GER 31Lars BUNKENBURGTSVHDNS1715133926110
23 SUI 44Mathieu VERRIERSIMPLDNS811124440115
24 GBR 18Hugh MACGREGORLargs Sailing Club1922171641‑52115
26 SWE 59Alberto FARNESILoftahammar21DSQ34173528135
27 ITA 175Francesco BINDIClub velico Marina di Pietrasanta25372023‑4635140
28 ESP 29Francisco Javier ACOSTA MEDINAClub Náutico de Torre del Mar‑303029272729142
29 USA 007Mike KRANTZLake Lanier Sailing Club173628‑523231144
30 FRA 322Daniel MOYSEYACHT CLUB DE TOULON31253333‑5023145
31 POL 120Valdek KWASNIEWSKIUKS Navigo1241232447‑61147
32 FRA 300Laurent STEPHANYS0526‑6341352330155
33 ITA 99Marco GAETI1611534‑45304236157
34 BEL 331Marc van CUTSEMRBSCDNS3837283125159
35 GER 548Norbert BAUERTSVHDNS3940402912160
36 FRA 88Bertrand ARHANAK20‑5039383039166
37 ITA 118Andrea EUSEBIRagn'a Vela442935‑453627171
38 ITA 7Stefano SIRRI33527273229‑6057172
39 AUS 11Wayne MERCERBYS2832303945‑47174
40 ITA 261Maurizio BINDICVMP484349UFD2817185
41 AUS 27William MICHIERRS&RC4623274451‑56191
42 FRA 459Pierrick PEDRONCVM4242‑56461745192
43 USA 4Bobby ORRWest River Sailing Club Maryland USA39‑4846471942193
44 GBR 72Owen COXBala sailing club13545842‑5938205
45 USA 192Ken MARSHACKUpper Keys Sailing CLubDNS3353373844205
48 AUS 9John DOWLINGMultihull Yacht Club of Queensland49443634‑6155218
49 FRA 26Girardin ERICCNHS35404351‑5249218
50 ITA 80Claudio MASCIULLO177438454443‑6358228
52 ITA 43Giacomo POLI113514751DNF3748234
53 ESP 23Virgilio BERMEJO VIVO6484159‑62564041237
54 ITA 313Giancarlo de MARINIS161DNS5152544834239
55 ITA 777Marco PUPPO333‑6648485754240
56 GER 342Jan Hagen VOIGTWSCG5765DNF574920248
57 BEL 87Walter GONZALEZSNEH5253474171‑72264
58 NZL 2025Brent HARSANTNZ5552505553‑66265
59 FRA 564Stéphan MAÎTREHENRYEcole de Voile Municipale du Lavandou3456596367‑68279
60 ITA 29Massimiliano BRACCIAssociazione velica senigallia53496053‑6564279
61 GER 73Gino SIMENSLRV43‑7165586260288
62 ITA 356Roberto AGNOLI107DNS6261495567294
63 AUS 335Benn HOOPERMcCrae Yacht Club5669575066‑71298
64 ESP 8Raúl FRANCOClub Náutico Puerto Sherry376154DSQ7478304
65 ITA 95Marco BALDINICVA406866DNF7062306
67 ITA 330Giorgio MURNIK16154706461‑7270319
68 GER 83Thorsten ZARSKEWSGRDNS5755597573319
69 ITA 11Matteo BETTUZZICircolo Velico Rio PircioRET6063646865320
70 ITA 733Francesco JACOBINO2435DNS7368606459324
72 AUS 1011Dave RICHARDSONBendigo Yacht Club5067DNFDNF7963348
73 ITA 171Giulio Marco DOMIZIRagn'a VelaDNS6467628076349
74 ESP 777Juan MUROClub Náutico Marítimo de Benalmádena5875726778‑79350
76 ARG 6Daniel STEINEl AGUILA5976736883DNF359
78 USA 310Haywood COPEgulfport8RETRETRETRETRET364
79 GER 43Jens KRAUSSSV BIBLISDNS7469658180369
81 ITA 58Claudio BELLICompagnia della vela di RomaDNS58DNFDNF7369378
82 USA 2020Emmanuel CERFSPYCDNSDNF74667775381
83 AUS 95Robert GRIFFITSLMYCDNS72716982DNF383
84 ITA 77Massimo CARPINELLICentro Vela SunsetDNSDNF70UFD6974391

Foiling Fleet Results after day 3:

PosSail NoHlemClubR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
1 POL 41Jakub SUROWIECUKS Navigo1‑412217
2 AUS 88Darren BUNDOCKSSC4221‑5312
3 NED 007Mischa HEEMSKERKWVIJ315‑61515
4 USA 76Ravi PARENTNew York Yacht Club55333‑619
5 AUS 4Steven Norman BREWINkcc2664‑10725
6 ESP 11Manuel CALAVIAReal Club Marítimo Barcelona93457‑6628
7 USA 311Bruce MAHONEYMahoney Projects87876‑936
8 ITA 13Lamberto CESARICentro Nautico Bardolino7169104‑2146
9 DEN 1Thomas PAASCHMiddelfart Sejlklub‑17914159249
11 AUS 20David BREWERSafety Beach S.C118‑211613856
12 ESP 74Abdon IBAÑEZ46995‑3711109111758
13 NZL 270Dave SHAWNYCDNS2678161067
14 AUS 22Joseph RANDALLMcCrae Yacht Club‑23181313151271
15 ITA 71Marco ANESSI42014141812‑251573
16 NED 28Pieterjan DWARSHUISWVF31122418UFD489
17 GER 14Bob BAIERSCFF21‑281922141389
18 ITA 3Paolo PENCO4012018DPIDPIDPI26UFD98
19 ESP 75Toni BALLESTER MARTINAVARRO460212422121922‑4999
20 FIN 1Matti NIEMINENTPS‑292722231911102
21 USA 320Bailey WHITELLSC162053DNF1214115
22 GER 6Rainer BOHRERTSVU362931‑41818122
23 SUI 007Robin MAEDERCNB1037‑38292125122
24 DEN 3Jan SAUGMANNHellerup Sejlklub33‑3625301719124
25 NED 96Gert‑Jan KOSHELLE1523402133‑47132
26 ITA 023Paolo MANGIALARDOclub vela Portocivitanova28‑4329262922134
27 ITA 72Giuseppe COLOMBOUnione Velica Maccagno3531151744‑45142
28 SUI 307Loïc DONYCNB12402825‑4838143
29 SUI 781Benjamin OUDOTClub Nautique de BevaixDNS2133322341150
30 ITA 969Giovanni FANTASIA43713302634‑5252155
31 SUI 14Riccardo GIULIANOCVLLDNS1727361858156
32 AUS 1087Stuart SCOTTSafety Beach Sailing Club Victoria AustraliaRET2442402823157
33 DEN 20Peter BOLDSENEgå Sejlklub34333228‑3730157
34 GER 41Alex MEISTERSTM4334302732DNF166
35 ESP 93Rafeta GOMEZ POLO46015DNS252314DNF24172
36 GER 95Roeland WENTHOLTHELLE3832‑49462435175
37 USA 37Michael CHRISTENSENSSS26‑5234384731176
38 SUI 278Philippe JACOTCNB46UFD20242760177
39 ITA 54Luigi CAMISOTTI1. SVG E.V.2535373545‑57177
40 DEN 8Christian NYGAARDMiddelfart Sejlklub2238413941‑62181
41 DEN 27Frederik STAGE‑NIELSENAarhus Sejlklub40195047DNF26182
42 ITA 46Mirco MAZZINI151 H2O sport2745‑47453144192
43 CZE 1Vladislav PTASNIKYK Jestrabi30423633DNF54195
44 NED 111David van AARTHELLE19443937DNF65204
45 USA 294Richard STEVENSLLSC4153443139DNF208
46 SUI 17Dominik PEIKERTYCZDNS3956443537211
47 GER 85Guido SCHULTESLRV51414650DNF28216
48 ITA 162Daniel PASCUCCI41042515243DNF34222
49 NED 44Wiro ZIJLMANSHELLE3246615236DNF227
50 ARG 500Axel ISSELUpper Keys Sailing Club45‑5655544932235
51 GER 15Katrin BRUNNERLSC4460‑63565029239
52 GER 21Marco GOETZBYC60504551DNF33239
53 POL 14Michal KASZCZUKUKS Navigo505743DNF4356249
54 DEN 29Eli SCHRØDERMariager Sejlklub585860‑613836250
56 ARG 666Ian RODGERUpper Keys Sailing Club20RETDNFDNF4039271
57 GER 40Manfred SYROWYYCN56655942DNF51273
58 FRA 21Rodolphe DELESALLE563005268DNF623063275
59 ITA 216Loris PATERNOLLICircolo Vela ArcoDNS54485934DNF281
60 GBR 16Julian BOSCHGWSCDNS47545342RET282
61 NED 33Thijs VISSERaruba beach catsDNS1317DNFUFDDNF288
64 GER 75Jörn KNOPBSVDNS595848DNF50301
65 SUI 303Olivier BALLEVRECNB54556565DNF64303
66 GER 5Klaus RAABSCFFDNS485158DNF67310
67 ITA 78Giorgio LAIS177455616460DNFDNF326
69 ESP 34Adolfo MARTINEZClub Náutico Puerto SherryDNS66DNF57DNF42337
74 ITA 79Amerigo DEGLI ATTI1774DNSDNFDNFDNF4655359
81 USA 143Mark HERENDEENSpace Coast catamaran fleet59DNFDNFDNFDNFDNF403
82 USA 426Cam FARRAHFort Walton YC/ Southern YC/ New York YCDNSDNFDNFDNFDNFDNF430

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