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Maritimo 2023 M600 LEADERBOARD

Flying Fifteen Open at Broxbourne Sailing Club

by Pip Hudson 14 Oct 2024 06:49 PDT 12-13 October 2024
Broxbourne Flying Fifteen Open © Broxbourne Sailing Club

An excellent turnout of nineteen boats from the home club and one visitor enjoyed the open weekend of sailing and feasting at Broxbourne Sailing Club who sail on a gravel pit in the Lee Valley. This was also the last open meeting of the Flying Fifteen Southern Travellers series.

Conditions were less than ideal with light winds forecast for both days. The club fleet has a wide range of boat ages and sailing abilities, nevertheless there was something for everyone and close racing throughout. We welcome any Fifteen sailors or crews whatever their ability to join in our winter series and get some short course practice and tips from out better sailors. After launching using our electric crane the first race commenced at midday in a light southerly South South Westerly with a "W" shaped course from the committee boat.

In the first race Pip and Alice Hudson (FF3889) soon established a large lead and were never challenged.

Behind them racing was close and eventually Mason King and Mark Wyllie (FF3559) passed Richard Anthony and Alice in (FF3715) at the line to finish 2nd.

Race 2 had a little more wind and a very close grouping at the first and second marks. On the second reach the wind died a little for the two leaders and puff from behind brought Brian Turner and Jackie Burns (FF3707) who took a low route into second place behind (FF3559) closely followed by visitors Neil Bartholomey and Gary Livingstone (FF3873) and FF3889. These four continued to pull away and swap places. Eventually FF3889 overtook FF3559 on the reach to record a second win. Whilst at the rear amongst the older boats, FF1803 prevailed over FF5981 (not it's real number).

After a break for lunch and for the rain to stop, race 3 started with a light and slowly fading wind. It was pretty crowded towards the committee boat end but new faces Bob Meacham and Ian Fleming (FF3630) in their recently purchased bargain, who are more used to sailing a fifty footer, broke free and were in the leading bunch.

Eventually the Hudsons escaped and sailed away to another large lead from FF3707.

After craning out all the boats in just over 30 minutes, the fleet retired for a sumptuous dinner in the club house.

Sunday dawned a little brighter but with very little and an unstable wind from the North West. After postponing to 11:00, Race 4 was sailed in a very patchy 2-5mph wind not helped by the tall trees to the west of the lake. It really was snakes and ladders racing. On the second run the wind died and leader FF3715 this time crewed by co-owner Ian Rintoul, and several others went left attempting to fly his spinnaker whilst FF3889 also with a new crew Rob Connolly, went right without spinnaker in the hope of finding the wind first. Pip made the best choice and just sneaked around the leeward mark in the lead only to be overtaken again by FF3715 at the finish.

Race 5 was started immediately but the wind was beginning to turn off and after struggling round two laps, FF3889 won from FF3715 and long time competitor Bob Tait crewed by Melvyn (FF4051) showing that our octogenarian sailors still compete with the best.

So after two days of racing where it was difficult to be consistent, FF 3889 won followed by FF3715 and FF3707. We were lucky to get in all races. Arguably the feasting was the best bit. It was great to see such a good turnout and several juniors and newer members stepping up to crew.

Pip and Alice Hudson winners of the 2024 Broxbourne Flying Fifteen open meeting.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5Pts
1st3889Pip HudsonAlice Hudson / Rob ConnollyBSC111‑214
2nd3715Richard AnthonyAlice / Ian RintoulBSC3‑53129
3rd3707Brian TurnerJackie BurnsBSC8.5423(DNC)17.5
4th4051Bob TaitMelvynBSC476(RET)320
5th3873Neil BartholomeyGary LivingstoneMiddle Nene6358‑1222
6th3423Martin BishopP. KennedyBSC7‑1585.5727.5
7th2845Steve CarmichaelWalter SanterBSC8.5910‑12431.5
8th3630Bob MeachamIan FlemingBSC‑1284101133
9th3490Mike SaundersRichard MitchelBSC512‑1371034
10th2523Ashley SmithMartin TomkinsBSC‑1111115.5835.5
11th3401Mike JonesRussel TredsettBSC‑1410713636
12th3502Peter ComberMatthewBSC‑1614911539
13th3559Mason KingMark WyllieBSC22(DNC)DNCDNC46
14th2599Colin BabbageMathew / SueBSC(DNC)DNC164950
15th3324Richard DeanRichard KurzycaBSC131312‑141351
16th3615Simon HayesRobin FletcherBSC106(DNC)DNCDNC58
17th3031Martin JonesNigel / Cath JonesBSC151614(DNC)DNC66
18th1803Terry WalkerRob ConnollyBSC171715(DNC)DNC70
19th4042John KnightPaul NortonBSC(DNC)DNCDNC9DNC72
20th5981Tony SamiotisBetty ZechbauerBSC181817(DNC)DNC74

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