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Palm Beach Motor Yachts

International One Metre World Championships in Gladstone, Australia - Day 4

by IOM Worlds 26 Oct 2024 05:57 PDT 20-28 October 2024
Alex Scapens on day 4 of the International One Metre World Championships in Gladstone, Australia © Nick Lindsley

Day four was magnificent. Perfect conditions greeted the competitors today, 10-15 knots from the East, which freshened slightly and moved left about 30 degrees throughout the day. Racing kicked off immediately at 9.30am and continued all day. We completed 4 races which is 20 flights of racing.

Again, the decision between A rig and B rig was critical for success, with B rigs being the predominant choice. There were plenty of shifts and gusts, creating passing lanes all day. There were also some fan favourite wins today. Mark Golison from the US, dominating two races and young Alex Scapens from South Australia, at his first Worlds, also picking up a win. His victory ignited a rousing cheer from the crowd and sending his dad, Phil, running up and down the dock in celebration.

The most unexpected moment during racing was when Brad Quiggin saw his boat capsize after his keel fell off. Luckily the boat was recovered with no water damage to his electronics and he had a spare keel, so he was back racing in the next race.

At the front of the regatta, it continues to be a two horse race. Ian Vickers from New Zealand and Zvonko Jelacic of Croatia only had eyes for each other throughout today's racing. They swapped a point or two in the first three races, but race four saw the real gamesmanship. Both sailors had been matching each other for rig choices. In the final race of the day, our spies tell us Zvonko rigged an A rig and Ian matched and then Zvonko quickly changed once Ian walked to the launch site, finally creating some differentiation. The A rig was the wrong choice. The Kiwi fought gamely, but posted a 13th, whilst Zvonko posted a fifth. He now holds a two point lead overall on 28 points, with Ian on 30 points and Alexis Carre, third on 52 points.

There is still plenty of sailing remaining. Tomorrow's forecast is identical to today. The magnificent conditions saw plenty of spectators come down to view the racing and a large audience tune in to the live stream world-wide. you can view the event on YouTube. The link for the stream and results are all available at

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