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Palm Beach Motor Yachts

GP14 Northern Bell Finale at Royal Windermere Yacht Club

by Hender Blewett 28 Oct 2024 12:36 PDT 19 October 2024

The last event of the Northern Bell GP14 circuit was held at the Royal Windermere Yacht Club on the 19th of October.

The day started with fog lingering over the lake, offering zero wind and low visibility. The 7 day forecast had looked like it was to be 15-18 knots, but as the forecast got closer to the day, it appeared that it would be warm and light winds, a lovely autumn day for a sail, with Storm Ashley threatening to bring 60 knots on Sunday.

12 boats rigged and readied themselves under a relaxed morning atmosphere, as everybody knew a one hour delay was inevitable. Four local RWYC boats, three from Bolton Sailing Club, two from Derwent Reservoir, one each from Blackpool and Fleetwood Yacht Club, and Bassenthwaite were in attendance. Adam McGovern with World Champion crew, Chris Robinson, Mr& Mrs. Tunnicliffe, and Mark Platt with GP crewing legend, Chris Jobson racing at the sharp end of the fleet, it was set to be a day of high quality racing.

Racing took place in the South Lake, with a windward leeward course set, with a small wing mark in order to take full advantage of the South Westerly wind conditions. The committee boat nestled alongside an island, and the pin end close to eastern shore on the other end. The wind rose to around five to six knots prior to the start of the first race. The course was close to the eastern side of the lake which gave opportunity for some shoreline lifts and wind pockets. Whereas the right side of the course featured several no go areas marked out with red danger rock buoys which gave an interesting element to the upwind leg and for choosing the final starboard lay line. The race committee set an unbiased line which was short and simple.

Straight out of the trap came Commodore, John Richardson (JR) with Mark Whitehead in the oldest boat of the fleet 13161. The course was three laps. JR and Mark secured race one ahead of Mark Platt and Chris Jobson and Andy and Michelle Tunnicliffe sailing in the newest boat, 14296 in third.

Race 2 was won by Mark Platt and Chris Jobson followed by Adam McGovern and Chris Robinson in 14023 (snail), 3rd place was one by Jonathan Nagle and Seb Nagle, an impressive, lightweight combo. Andy and Michelle Tunnicliffe dropped back to 9th place which was rather nice for the rest of us, who can now say they have managed to beat a world champion!

Race 3 was won by Adam and Chris followed by Mark Platt and Chris Jobson, and Jonathan and Seb Nagle.

The wind picked up for race 2 to between 7 and 8 knots, but dropped for race 3 back down to 5 or 6.

Despite Commodore Richardson's early promise with the race win, his consistency suffered with a fourth in race 2 and a sixth in race 3, but will be very pleased to secure third overall.

Simon McVey and Lillian Ainscough sailed consistently and improved throughout the day, Simon who has only recently started sailing with Lillian, realised she was an ultra-fast learner and the fewer words of instruction he gave the better the results came. Lillian was able to fly the spinnaker flawlessly whilst simultaneously revising GCSE physics, chemistry, and biology with a different subject in each of the 3 races.

The rivalry between Derwent Reservoir Sailing Club sailors Bob Skelly & Chris May, and Hender Blewett and Josh Ryznar intensified during the day. A tactical error by Hender and Josh not to cover the left on the run allowed Bob and Chris to gain an overlap with the spinnaker pole causing Hender and Josh to give water on the penultimate mark rounding. The finish was a short hook finish to port, allowing Bob Chris to steal 6th place. This allowed Bob and Chris to go ahead on countback after they were tied on 14 points. At one point Hender and Josh were almost touching Andy and Michelle's transom in the last race, but an error in spinnaker hoisting allowed the former World Champion to advance into the distance whilst Hender and Josh dropped back about 10 boat lengths after sorting the halyard.

It was discovered a useful port side lift could be found by the island on the left offered a noticeable gain. By race three most of the boats were adopting this tactic to their advantage.

Zena Martin of Bolton and Carla Ainsclough of RWYC sailed extremely well in their first pairing, after Sue Webb was unwell and unable to attend. She was keen as mustard and as nimble as her daughter, who was in Simon's boat.

Zena & Carla, John & Lisa, and Paddy & Liam were trading places during the day and raced consistently.

In terms of the overall rankings from the Northern Bell Series, Paddy and Liam from Bolton secured the Bronze Fleet, with Julie and Chris winning the Silver Fleet, and Mark and Chris winning the Gold Fleet.

With over 64 entrants to the Northern Bell in 2024, and with seven venues to choose from this is a high quality race series to attend. Only 3 events are needed to qualify for the final prize.

Overall Results:

PosSail NoBoat NameHelmCrewClubR1R2R3Pts
1st14023SnailAdam McGovernChris RobinsonHollingworth‑4213
2nd14217Roses on my PianoMark PlattChris JobsonBolton SC‑2123
3rd13161SpiritJohn (JR) RichardsonMark WhiteheadRWYC14‑65
4th14034ScreamadelicaJonathan NagleSeb NagleRWYC‑5336
5th14296 Andy TunnicliffeMichelle TunnicliffeBassethwaite SC3‑958
6th13464Dream CatcherSimon McVeyLiilian AinscoughRWYC‑6549
7th14227Fifty ShadesRobert SkellyChris MayDerwent Reservoir SC86‑914
8th14021MontyHender BlewettJosh RyznarDerwent Reservoir SC‑77714
9th13381HorizonJohn PawsonLisa KnaggsRWYC9‑10817
10th14280Mokey See Monkey DoZena MartinSue WebbBolton SC‑1081018
11th13489The Black ValaisPaddy LamptonLiam DempseyBolton SC‑12111122
12th14230 Adam ChaplinWendy BaileyB&FYC11‑121223
13th13959SV FantaseaMontri BrusselersDavid BeasleyBudworth SC(DNC)DNCDNC28

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