Meet the world leader in safety solutions at METSTRADE
by WesCom Group 18 Nov 2024 01:16 PST
19-21 November 2024

Wescom Group stand design at METSTRADE © WesCom Group
Wescom Group will be showcasing its full range of marine safety products at METSTRADE with its newly extended product range, built on its market-leading pyrotechnics brands, and which now includes emergency rations, pharmaceutical supplies, distress beacons and hazard warning lights. This comprehensive range reflects Wescom's recent acquisitions, internal investment and the expansion of its European production facilities to create and manufacture high-quality and world leading emergency products.
These new capabilities and extended product range provide Wescom's extensive global distribution network with the economic benefits of a single source partner with trusted large volume manufacturing, as well as the logistical expertise and experience required for handling time sensitive and highly regulated products.
METSTRADE is the ideal opportunity for international visitors to meet key regional heads at Wescom Group, including David Duffin VP Marine Sales, TJ Tracy VP Sales America, Fenton Long MD Australia, Glen Sharkie MD Eflare Hazard Lights, Maitane Arana MD Spain, and Jack Sharland Head of Sales (Electronics).
"Wescom Group is the only manufacturer in the marine market to be able to offer a full range of life saving equipment," says David Duffin, Global VP Sales. "This capability brings our customers significant savings in procurement, and makes it is easier to manage all supplied products and services from one vendor."
See Wescom Group's full range:
Emergency Service Pack - Wescom's unique single source emergency pack includes global-leading Pains Wessex and Comet distress signalling pyrotechnics, emergency rations and ANP Pharma emergency medical kits, required to meet SOLAS regulations for life-raft and lifeboats. These products enable raft manufacturers and commercial service centres to obtain the highest quality EU manufactured products, from a single source supplier, that are fully approved to meet global marine standards.
Distress Beacons - with over 45 years of experience in emergency location beacons, this extensive range uses innovation and advanced technology that puts the user at the heart of the product design and functionality. The UK designed and manufactured beacons on show include the Class M sMRT V300 and the multi-award winning sMRT ALERT Class AIS DSC MOB.
New to the show will be the Class M sMRT AU11 helicopter transfer beacon and the sMRT V300X certified for Zone 1 (ATEX) beacon, for crew in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Hazard Warning Lights - The Eflare range of ATEX Zone 2 approved hazard warning lights, are available with multiple colours, display modes and include dynamic deployment accessories for road, rail, logistics, aviation, military and first responder applications. Eflare will also be highlighting the new Port Safety bundle, that allows easily transported and fast deployment of lights to highlight hazards or mark off a perimeter in port.
Medical Supplies - Supporting the large and growing global marine medical sector with everything from vaccines and sea sickness medication to bandages and defibrillators, ANP Pharma's extensive range of medical consumables and pharmaceuticals are supported with in-depth product, legislative and availability knowledge, and global temperature-controlled delivery capabilities.
Emergency Rations: Nutritional Food Pack and Drinking Water - Compact and long life, Comet and Pains Wessex branded Emergency Rations Survival Nutritional Pack and Emergency Drinking Water rations are made to the highest quality standards at Wescom's new state-of-the-art production facility. These new rations are designed to meet ISO standard 18813:2022 for worldwide use on board lifeboats and life rafts.