Tringa road-legal boat drives itself to and from the water
by C.C. Weiss 16 Dec 2017 18:46 PST

The Tringa has been designed around French regulations, but Tringa does intend to offer it worldwide © Tringaboat
There's a conventional piece of wisdom you're almost guaranteed to hear anytime you start talking boats: the two best days of boat ownership are the day you buy the boat and the day you sell it. In between are a lot of wallet-emptying headaches relating to things like maintenance, repair, mooring, trailering and more.
The French-designed Tringa boat won't solve every hardship of boat ownership, but it can eliminate the trailering and mooring headaches from the equation. Store this boat in your driveway and drive it directly down the street and over the beach into the water, no trailer or tow vehicle required.
Unlike most of the amphibious vehicles we've looked at over the years, which are more car/truck-watercraft hybrids, the Tringa is most definitely a boat, with some light land navigational capabilities. It's quite similar to the Sealegs vessels we've looked at in the past, but with one major difference: it is being developed with street legality in mind. So not only will it help with launching and retrieval, it'll get you to and from home, without requiring a trailer, tow vehicle or parking spot near the water. Sealegs' boats can launch from the beachfront, but its system is not built for public roads.
To read more please go to the original article.