Great white shark circles family in boat at Port Victoria off Yorke Peninsula coast
by Ben Harvy 5 Jan 2018 21:10 PST

SA fishermen berate great white shark as it comes too close to boat © Ben Harvy
A gigantic great white shark — estimated to be five metres in length — was caught on video by a nervous but amazed family of seven at Port Victoria (South Australia) yesterday after it began circling their fishing boat. The enormous creature made itself known to the Brown family about 3pm as they fished for whiting off the west coast of Yorke Peninsula.
Mother Jodie Brown, visiting her parents with her own children for the Christmas holidays, said they had been out on the water for a couple of hours before the shark just appeared. "It just swam up to the boat from behind and it was just circling us for about 20 minutes, it would just go round and come back again," she said. "We had to leave in the end to take two girls back to shore because they were freaked out, but the whole time it was just amazing."
Brown was amazed by the girth of the Great White. To read more, and to watch the video, please go to the original article.