Home Build International Moth Blog 3: Valkyrie moves out of the living room
by James Sainsbury 13 Feb 2018 00:30 PST
13 February 2018

James Sainsbury's new home-built International Moth 'Valkyrie' moves out of the living room © James Sainsbury
Who's a lucky boat then? This weekend, we moved Valkyrie out of the living room and into an actual workshop. Huge thanks to the Turning the Tide project for loan of the unit. Chantelle is very happy to now have her living room back! I'm sure the neighbours will not miss the Dremmel noise either...
Yesterday, the main platform structure has all been bonded together and it's the first time I have been able to stand back and see the boat as a whole. I couldn't help but just stop and stare. Not sure there has been another Moth like it.
The next step will reveal some secrets! It's time to laminate up the deck area, now that all the core has been cut to fit. Valkyrie is going to be a solid platform with a deck sweeper sail. I am hoping to be on the water for its maiden sail late April to early May.
Hopefully the next blog will be of a completed hull.
Thank you to the continued help and support from; Turning the Tide project, Atomik UK High performance Sailing, Easy Composites, Allspars, Jonti and Kingfisher Yacht Rope.