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Palm Beach Motor Yachts

The Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba marks its 29th Anniversary

by Commodore Escrich, Hemingway International Yacht C 20 May 2021 05:35 PDT
Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba © HIYC

This Friday, May 21, 2021, the Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba; a place where the bonds of friendship forged by the sea are strengthened and which preserves the history and maritime traditions, celebrates its 29th Anniversary thanks to the collaboration and support of the international nautical community.

Your recognition of our Yacht Club, and your continued support to this Cuban nautical institution, Sanctuary of love for the sea and friendship between lovers of the sea" and "Bastion in defense and rescue of the history and maritime and nautical traditions of our country, has made its existences possible.

Today, we have the privilege and honor of representing the most important cruising and angler associations in the world, as well as having been granted the status of Honorary Membership in dozens of yacht clubs and nautical institutions, breaking the isolation of Cuba from the global nautical community.

Over 29 years, we have sponsored diverse nautical, sports-recreational, academic and educational events that have allowed us to share expertise and ideas with representatives of the nautical community from dozens of countries, including Cuba. Through sharing we have established and strengthened friendship and respect between people of different beliefs, ideologies and social status. It is the love the sea which unites us and overcomes the differences that the society imposes on us.

In our mission to contribute to the preservation of our nautical history and maritime traditions, the Yacht Club continues in its endeavor to strengthen the ties of friendship and collaboration with the people, entities and institutions of our country, which have ties or an affinity with the sea. HIYC continues to celebrate and support the sponsorship of events and activities aimed at preserving the "Culture of the Sea" as part of the "Cultural Heritage of the Cuban Nation".

Today, the Hemingway International Nautical Club of Cuba is proud to be made up of a family of 3,590 members, from 73 countries, many of whom have sent us encouraging messages of solidarity, hope and optimism in the midst of the devastating pandemic of Covid-19, which has generated so much sadness, uncertainty and suffering, but has also taught us the great value of solidarity and love in times of adversity.

Next year we will be celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba, an important event in the history of Cuban recreational boating, for which we hope to develop a broad program of nautical, academic and educational activities in which we would be greatly honored to have your valuable participation and support.

Commodore Escrich
Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba

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