Coast Guard Sector Southeastern New England sets Port condition ZULU for Hurricane Henri
by U.S. Coast Guard 1st District Northeast 21 Aug 2021 22:10 PDT

US Coast Guard MC-144A airplane ©
Sustained gale force winds from Hurricane Henri are expected to make landfall in Southeastern New England within 12 hours. Effective at 8 p.m., Saturday, Hurricane Condition ZULU is set for all ports in the entire southeastern New England region, including Narragansett Bay, Mount Hope Bay, Buzzards Bay, Cape Cod Bay, Vineyard Sound, and Nantucket Sound.
This port condition is a change from the previous condition of YANKEE.
Coast Guard Sector Southeastern New England Captain of the Port, Capt. Clinton J. Prindle, has established a safety zone for the Port of Narragansett, Mount Hope, Buzzards Bay, and Cape Cod Bay. No vessels may enter or transit within this safety zone without the permission of the COTP. All vessel movements and all waterfront operations are prohibited while port condition ZULU is in effect.
For information on Hurricane Henri's progress and tips, please visit the National Hurricane Center's web page at