Wescom animation busts marine flares myths
by WesCom Group 13 Apr 2022 02:55 PDT
Wescom flare myth buster © Wescom Group
There is much misinformation and myths surrounding pyrotechnic marine flares. This can create a negative perception towards these critical life-saving devices.
But leaving flares out of a vessel's safety inventory could be a deadly mistake and Wescom Group wants to turn that around. So we have created an animation, which aims to dispel seven common myths.
These are: Why flares are not fireworks, Don't get your flares wet, Flares are forever, Flares spit out burning metal and other nasties, Who needs a flare when you have a phone? and Flares are outdated.
Wescom Group does not compromise on quality; our products offer superior performance and reliability. By choosing high quality safety equipment, our customers are buying peace of mind so they can enjoy their time on the water. You can't put a price on that.