125th Larchmont Race Week introduces new format and competitive opportunities
by Larchmont Yacht Club 7 Jul 2023 09:00 PDT
July 14-16 & 22-23, 2023

Larchmont Race Week © Doug Reynolds
The 125th Larchmont Race Week is just around the corner and the Race Organizers are introducing a new schedule format for the nine-day event to offer something for every type of sailor and sailing fan on and off the water.
For distance sailing enthusiasts, the first night will kick off the overnight Execution Rocks Race, now a stand-alone distance race, on Friday, July 14, with a 1730 warning.
Then the first weekend, July 15 - 16, will be for the Racer/Cruisers, One Designs and Ideal 18s and the second weekend, July 22 - 23, will be for One Designs and Team Racing (both the z420 & Ideals 18s.) Sandwiched in between will be the Junior Race Week in Lasers, 420s, and Optis.
"Regardless of whether this is your first or fortieth Race Week, you should be proud to be taking part in this tradition on Long Island Sound," says co-chair Rear Commodore Andrew Weiss. "We hope to see a full force of our local racing come out and celebrate with us."
Last year the week was plagued by a series of storms that left sailors ashore or delayed for racing, yet still fun was had by all. Fortunately for all, the Race Week concluded with 12-15 knots out of the east, making the trip around Execution Lighthouse a day of sailing never to be forgotten.
"This year, we have moved the Execution Rocks Race to the first night of the regatta with a 1730 Friday start," said rear Commodore Andrew Weiss. "With so many distance racers from Larchmont participating in Newport-Bermuda Race, Block Island Race, and Vineyard Race each year, we want to provide something for all types of sailors who might not usually participate in a buoy race."
The spirit of Corinthian sailing will be in full force throughout nine days of fierce racing competition and festive camaraderie in the evenings. Race Week's favorite social events such as Lobster Night, the Mount Gay Rum Tent, Race Week Dance Party, and more will be back for participants and their families.
Also, new this year is the Race Week Club Championship Awards. To qualify, a club has to be entered in either Team Race event plus at least two boats entered in other events (Racer/Cruiser, One Design, Ideal 18s fleet race, or paddleboard). The Club teams will be scored by using the average percentage of their team race score plus their top two team members' percentage placement within their respective classes.
"We wanted to spur even more friendly competition," added Weiss. "To be the best performing Yacht Club gives a whole team and club a year's worth of bragging rights for the year!"
To register, visit the LYC website: www.larchmontyc.org/race-week