P Class Centenary to be celebrated in January
by Gary Smith 27 Dec 2023 00:59 PST
4-9 January 2024

P Class Centenary: Wihau Shield start in 2023 © Gary Smith
Love them or hate them the P Class has been around for 100 years.
Designed by Harry Highet in 1920, the plans were presented to the Tauranga Yacht & Powerboat Club in January 1924 and were originally known as 'Taurangas'.
The uniquely New Zealand boat has evolved over the years from plank, gunter rigged, cotton sails, to the current Plywood and Fibreglass hulls, Carbon masts and foils, Dacron sails and aluminium booms.
The roll call of sailors of this class reads like a 'Who's Who' of NZ sailors and includes (but in no way limited to); Jimmy Gilpin, Robbie and Gary Denniston, John Moyes, Greg Palmer, Craig Gilbert, Dave Barnes, Peter Blake, Trevor Cox, Chris Dickson, Russel Coutts, Leslie Egnot, Jon Bilger, Barbara Kendall, Jo Aleh, Paul Snow-Hansen, Erica Dawson, Peter Burling, Jason and Thomas Saunders, Molly and Sam Meech, Blake McGlashan, Oli Stone, Bella Jenkins, Will Leech, William Mason and Nelsen Meacham.
The Coombes Johnston BMW 2024 Tanner and Tauranga Cups are being raced this year in Tauranga.
The 4th and 5th of January 2024 is the 80th Anniversary of the Tanner Cup with 21 entries.
This is one of only two interprovincial events still being sailed in NZ. The rules have changed to allow multiple entries for a Province, based on the number of entries in their respective trials. This has kept the event relevant and a special contest for the Class.
The 6th to the 9th of January is the 84th anniversary for the Tauranga Cup and has 53 Entries. No one is keen to suggest a favourite as the trials turned up some unexpected results!
We have a special new trophy for a one off race to be sailed on 6th January. This trophy is a printed 3D version of the P Class. The 'Tauranga Cup P Class Centenary Trophy' will be raced for annually in the future. We are hoping (weather dependant) to have a fathers/legends race after the Centenary Race, so there have been some fathers out practising! Jimmy Gilpin, who won both events three times 1951, 52 and 53 will be around to tell some great stories.
Results and information can be found on the TYPBC website here.