P Class: Nathan Soper leads in 23 strong Wihau Shield after Day 1
by Gary Smith 4 May 2024 05:10 PDT
5 May 2024

Wihau Shield - P class - 2024 Tauranga Cup, May 4, 2024, Tauranga © Gary Smith
A great days sailing in Tauranga for the running of the Wihau Shield for P Class.
Nathan Soper CBYC,MBSC is leading the fleet after Day 1. A light NW of 8 to 10kts kicked in around 1300hrs and we had four great races. Hamish Brown (Wakatere) won two races but dropped off in the second two.
The Wihau shield was first raced in 1944 as the NZ Freshwater Champs in Rotorua. It is now sailed as a Swap Boat series in Tauranga. After the first days racing the top five Sailors are selected to sail the Wihau Shield.
On the second day (tomorrow, Sunday) they will race four more races in each others boat. The last race of Saturday counts as their first race as it is in their own boats.
The draw looks like this.
Overall Day One Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5
NathanS P373 404 37 40 308
HamishB P308 373 404 37 40
FinloeG P40 308 373 404 37
LauchyW P37 40 308 373 404
CallumH P404 37 40 308 373
The rest of the fleet sails for the Secretaries Cup.
There are 23 boats in Tauranga mainly from Auckland and Tauranga.
Results on Sailwave.com