Increases in boat insurance liability coverage reported for cruisers to BC
by Recreational Boating Association of Washington 15 Apr 2024 16:53 PDT
Boat Insurance © Recreational Boating Association of Washington
At a recent annual meeting with RBAW's counterpart in BC, the Council of BC Yacht Clubs, representatives confirmed that many BC marinas require proof of $2 million liability insurance coverage for transient boaters wishing to tie up. Some marinas are considering raising that limit to $3 million in 2025.
Although this is not an entirely new concept in BC, there are personal stories of being refused mooring if a visiting yacht cannot provide documentation showing their coverage meets the increased liability requirement. Since most marine insurance policies written on Washington vessels have a $300,000 to $500,000 liability limit, this suggests that many cruisers intending to cruise North increase limits to $3 million or obtain an "umbrella policy" to cover all of their risks. It is reported that umbrella policies may be acceptable but a call ahead to marinas on your cruising itinerary is recommended.
On a related note, not all US marine insurance carriers will agree to expand the liability limits. It is reported that an RBAW member was not able to increase their liability coverage beyond $1 million by Geico/BoatUS and was told that their boat, insured for $195,000, was of a too low value to extend the coverage. That boat owner did find higher coverage with another marine insurance carrier.
So before venturing North, check the requirements of favorite marinas both public and private, include reciprocal yacht clubs, and also check with your own carrier as to the possibility of extending coverage if needed.
Linda Newland
RBAW Delegate from Port Townsend YC