A-Class Admiral's Cup and North American Championship overall
by Suzie Domagala 17 Apr 2024 05:16 PDT
9-13 April, 2024

A-Class Admiral's Cup and North American Championship © Suzie Domagala
The A-Class Catamaran Admiral's Cup and North American Championship wrapped up on Saturday, April 13 with a total of seven races raced in the North Americans, allowing one throw-out.
Wind on Sunday was light and variable but did allow some foiling for the open class. The awards ceremony immediately followed sailing on Saturday evening, allowing competitors to travel on Sunday.
The A-Class Admiral's Cup and North American Championship was hosted by Pensacola Yacht Club, established in 1908. National Race Officer Hall Smith presided over the event, making race management in variable conditions look easy.
Full results can be seen here.