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Palm Beach Motor Yachts

The oldest video footage of J Class yacht racing

by Magnus Smith 18 Aug 2024 04:00 PDT
Launch Day for Britannia Kickstarter © K1 Britannia

The America's Cup starts next week so it is a good moment to dig through our huge video archive to see the oldest footage from the beautiful class used for this competition between 1930 and 1937.

There are 32 videos from the years 1914 to 1937 but here we just list the top ten. We have omitted anything dull/repetitive or where the image is of poor quality. So many of those videos were silent and shot from a distance.

Our oldest footage comes from even earlier than the Cup era. Gaff rigs with mast hoops, and jib-booms, were used back then. In addition, Shamrock IV in 1920, New York seems to show some outboard protrusions on the hull, to carry the shrouds?

There is some good on-board footage in this next video: 'Shamrock', 'Britannia' and 'White Heather' at Plymouth Royal Regatta, 1925

Launch of 'Shamrock V' (some time in the 30s) was popular - look at how many turned up to wave their hats! You can see the faces of some of the key players.

Finally we have sound for 'Shamrock V' hauled out in Newport! It is interesting to see how repairs were done in the thirties. Also there are interviews, which is rare for this time (most footage merely has an announcer's voice).

Largest mast ever made (as of 1931) stepped in 'Britannia' in Portsmouth is fascinating to watch - the way it is man-handled, and the 'technology' mentioned.

Another popular event: Launch of 'Velsheda' in 1933.

The America's Cup, 1934 - 'Rainbow' in trials against 'Yankee', plus Endeavour is an interesting watch because of the on-board footage. It is crazy how many people were needed to hoist the mainsail.

This video is worth watching because of the terribly stilted chat between the two men caught on camera: First races of 1934 America's Cup. Plus it is the first time we see a J Class spinnaker on YouTube.

If you want more of the same style interview material, watch Harry S. Vanderbuilt interviewed ahead of America's Cup, 1935.

Finally we have colour, and also get to see on-deck work close up. Onboard colour footage from J Class 'Yankee' is from 1937

In the same year, 'Ranger' and 'Endeavour II' - America's Cup is another good video.

We take a leap into the 1980s now, with a TV documentary on the 'Velsheda' relaunch.

What of the rest?

Do you know the location of any J Class videos that show racing fleets from the 1940s to the 70s which we have missed? We would love to share these with other sailors. You can submit video links to us for immediate review.

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