What defines a yacht? What would you select over something else? - photo © Maritimo
Dear Recipient Name
Well I suppose it might. However, rather than disappear down a wormhole into an elaborate discussion about the features of a particular space/time continuum, I can say this. One thing can certainly be enough to tip the scales one way or another in a purchase decision for an impending yacht owner.
So with all of that in mind I have been pondering many a feature of the recently announced Maritimo M75, and the benefits said items will derive. So the question becomes which of the 'ones' to talk about here. Hhhmmmm.
Well, carrying more beam aft than any other Maritimo M Series that ever was, and using the eyeball yardstick, I reckon the transom measures just over 90% of her maximum 6m beam, with the running surface carrying nearly 100% of its max beam, from right around the centre of the M75's engines, then continuing all the way aft to the transom.
Why's that so important? Well it is what has afforded the M75 to have such an expansive Adventure Deck out aft, and equally, an utterly cavernous lazarette underneath said deck that will swallow a 3.2m tender. So just how big is this deck then? Well consider this. If you opt for the extended hydraulic swim platform, you can actually fit a whole basketball key onto the space, then stand at the free throw line to shoot into the hoop mounted onto the trailing edge of the flybridge deck coaming. Take that on!
Whilst still at the transom there were one or two more other incredibly pertinent elements to review. The first is that the eyeball protractor shows a pronounced variation in deadrise, from say 55 degrees at the bow, to 10 degrees at the transom, which is a bit more than you usually find on a Maritimo. That will just add to the brand's legendary sea-kindliness. Now the other was far more noticeable, for they were like massive extended claws, and they were the distinct reverse chines.
The first benefit derived is lift, which is always handy, especially when you consider she's going to be 55 metric tonnes light ship. The second would be enhanced stability, for the water 'trapped' under there pushes back up by virtue of natural compression, as the water cannot be squeezed out the sides. In sailing speak it is why you see such huge flare in the topsides above the waterline to offer what is called form stability.
Now the third you had to look for, but it was very much there. Said and pretty distinct reverse chine must run forward some 70% of the M75's 23.07m LOA. Firstly, that's going to make her a dry boat. Secondly, it means if you're doing some hard charging in a significant following sea, it is going to help you from going down the mine, and I just cannot wait to test that one out when the first hull is ready in the latter part of 2022. Hint, Hint, Maritimo!
Of course, another 'one' item to talk about is nearly hidden per se, and this is the liner that runs almost the entire length of the hull. Maritimo are completely unique in the way they form their hulls' internal structure, via their patented structural monocoque system. The liner and hull form a unitary platform, which you'll certainly notice within the bowels of the bilge and engine room, where you'll witness first hand the wonderful high gloss gelcoat finish that this presents. You will appreciate all of this with more comfort as you experience lower noise and vibration, and then supreme confidence when you're tackling a big sea.
One big brand, then another, and another again, as well
A quick scan of the options list shows that above the standard fitment 1150hp D16 Scanias, a pair of 2000 series V10 Iron Ladies from none other than Rolls Royce MTU can be yours. Nothing quite says the epitome of high-end engineering as those two brand names in combination with Maritimo.
At any rate, the 22.3 litre triple sequentially turbocharged beasts can deliver 1625hp, and a mountain moving amount of torque. Start to do the numbers, and you find that each is 2800kg with ZF gearbox (yet another good brand name), plus of course what the shafts, skegs, screws and rudders weigh. The M75 will probably spin 37-inch wheels.
10,000 litres of bunkering is held in the (now common across the new Maritimo models) tri-tank gravity feed system. In this installation you will probably find 3500l in each of the wing tanks, and some 3,000l under the king bed and floor of the Master Stateroom. Leaving 10% in reserve, it gives you an effective 9,000l to base range calculations on.
Now it is important to note that the MTUs will run to 2450RPM WOT, whereas most other makes achieve 2350. Importantly, the MTUs are continually rated, which the sequential turbocharging is part of, and it all means you can cruise at whatever RPM you desire. It is possibly a bit early to get into range calculations, but expect that big hops around prime cruising grounds like the South Pacific, Caribbean, Pacific Northwest, and Indian Ocean to be well inside your planning regime.
So there it is. Plenty of 'one's to ponder as Maritimo get stuck into the moulds to make hull #1, and yes, the pun is intended. Of course it is all up to you as to which criterion you place the most importance on, but if you're in the space for a large, long range, well made, and seaworthy fun machine with bucket loads of space, you might want to work it out smartly, as the one thing I can leave you with is that Maritimo are already out to 2024 with orders for the M75.
Bright as the sun
e-yacht brand, Alva Yachts, have been at it intently since their first designs were released. They have been quite prolific, as well, with no less than four powerboats and two sailing cats all making up the portfolio. Not bad when you consider you only got started in 2019 and rebranded in 2020.
"The stunning contemporary design, the best-in-class beam, and innovative interior layout were an immediate hit. The Alva Yacht design took the market by storm and the sheer level of interest has just been tremendous," said one of the founders, Mathias May. Orders followed, and now stretch well into 2023. So much so that they are looking to expand production to meet a burgeoning demand.
Graham Raspass from Flagstaff Marine, the NSW dealer commented, "We are excited to be part of the Alva Solar power yachts network of dealers. All manufacturers in the marine industry are looking to reduce their environmental footprint and use alternative energy sources."
"The German design team at Alava Yachts have created a range of boats that are powered by highly efficient electric engines that can harness the power of the sun as their main source of energy."
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Have a wonderful holiday season and we will catch you again very soon indeed...
John Curnow
Global Editor, Powerboat.World