Coast Guard Cutters Hawser, Line to patrol Lake Champlain
by U.S. Coast Guard 1st District Northeast 11 Jul 2019 06:54 PDT
Hundreds of Coast Guard and Navy ships, such as the Coast Guard Cutter Line (WYTL 65611) , participated in security during the OPSAIL 2000 parade of tallships in New York harbor © PA1 Telfair
Coast Guard cutters Hawser and Line are scheduled to patrol Lake Champlain this weekend to assist with the recreational boating safety and law enforcement missions.
The 65-foot harbor tugs will augment efforts of Coast Guard Station and Aids to Navigation Team Burlington, a two-boat station responsible for 490-square miles, spanning two states and the U.S.-Canadian border.
"We're excited to have these unique multi-mission cutters on Lake Champlain," said Capt. Brian LeFebvre, Sector Northern New England's commander. "The seasonal uptick in boating traffic on the lake presents some unique challenges to enforcing federal law and ensuring the boating safety for thousands of people recreating across the expanse of Lake Champlain."
Both cutters are homeported in New Jersey and will be transiting the Hudson River and the New York State Canal System.
Built more than 50 years ago, these diesel powered, steel-hulled, single-propeller vessels, and their six-person crews are capable of performing search and rescue, law enforcement, aids-to-navigation, and light icebreaking.