Pensacola's Flying Scot North American Championship 2019 kicks off
by Talbot Wilson 15 Jul 2019 11:13 PDT
14-18 July 2019

Scots will be flying around their course on Pensacola Bay in the 2019 Flying Scot North American Championship © Talbot Wilson
One design racing returns to Pensacola Bay with the Flying Scot North American Championship starting today Pensacola Yacht Club. Twenty-seven entries will line up in four divisions today sailing a round robin series to determine who is in the Championship and Challenger Divisions for the remainder of the regatta.
Each of the four divisions will have roughly seven boats, so about fourteen boats will be on the line for each of three races scheduled for the qualifying series. The course will be set just south of the Bayou Chico channel. That's a short 15-minute sail from the Pensacola YC Marina at the mouth of the Bayou on Pensacola Bay.
The fleet will be divided into Champion qualifiers and Challengers on Monday. Then Tuesday through Thursday the fleet will sail five races, two a day Tuesday and Wednesday, then one final on Thursday for the championship.
Following a blustery weekend on the fringe of Hurricane Barry with flash flood warnings and no rain, organizers expect excellent sailing conditions all four days. The prediction calls for southeast to southerly breezes of 10-15 kts, trending down into the bottom of that range by Thursday. That's ideal for a Flying Scot championship.
Click here for online registration and the Notice of Race.
The Flying Scot North American Championship Regatta at Pensacola Yacht Club is supported by the international bank BBVA, by the PYC Satori Foundation, Inc. - a 501(c)3 corporation, and Bud Light and the volunteers from the club.